This is the written version of the second status report of the IIASA Project on Energy Systems. (The oral version was presented in October in Laxenburg, Austria, and later in Varna, Bulgaria.) By its nature, it is intended as an insight into the present status of the work of the energy project, not as a comprehensive book or a set of results that are final in one way or other. The IIASA energy project began in the summer of 1973 and we expect it to continue until the end of 1978. Thus nearly half of the time available to us has elapsed. During this first period we focused on the conceptualization of the systems aspects of the energy problem. &ow, the energy project is beginning to concentrate on a number of more specific and operational tasks. The Introduction provides both an explanation of the overall approach and the frame for the individual contributions, which cover certain aspects in greater depth. Notwithstanding my overall responsibility as project leader, each author is responsible for his own independent contribution. Yet it is clear that this status report represents the results of the energy team as a whole.