The publication of this compendium marks the fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Institute for Family Studies in Austria. In 1994 this initiative was taken in Austria at the occasion of the International Year of the Family. The Institute serves as the focal point and facilitator of a broad array of research projects that follow different disciplinary paradigms in studying one phenomenon: the changing structures of the most intimate relationships and living arrangements in a modern post-industrial society. These are of paramount importance to individual wellbeing as well as to the future of society and this is why the inter-disciplinary analysis of this key issue deserves increased attention. We can also learn a lot from experiences and studies undertaken elsewhere. Since Austria is not an isolated island, changing family patterns can only be analysed successfully in an international perspective. In pursuit of this goal, the Austrian Institute for Family Studies recently also took on the co-ordination of the European Observatory on Family Matters which is funded by the European Commission. The present compendium is a modest attempt to inform an international audience about the research findings from Austria. It contains two introductory statements on the institutional development of family studies in Austria and the role of science in advising policy, as well as seven scientific articles. These reviewed articles present a sample of research on family related issues presently conducted in Austria . Ranging from history to biology and from qualitative sociology to statistics and simulation they provide a flashlight of the colour and diversity of present family studies in Austria. They are published either in German or English with abstracts and figure/table headings in both languages. This part is followed by a report of the main activities of the Austrian Institute for Family Studies throughout its first five years of existence and a set of tables and graphs giving some key statistics of changing family patterns in Austria.