Next to the clash of ideologies, the most critical middle to long term problem affecting humanity is the supply of energy. If this problem can be solved, populations can be fed, mineral resources of lower grades mined and industry maintained. If it cannot, the outlook for our children is very serious. Conventional energy sources need to be balanced against, perhaps augmented by new, unconventional sources. Some observers think that within 33 years, petroleum production must seriously decline. Coal, though plentiful in some countries, is attended by social and environmental problems if it is to be won in larger quantities. There is said to be as little as 10 years' supply of proved uranium for the fission reactor. Fusion, solar, geothermal (especially injection-hot rock) and tidal energy sources all need to be considered. IIASA is uniquely placed to consider and balance the possibilities, taking into account the numerous variables. These Conferences, on sources and demand, make a first attempt to do this.