The relative performance of some multi-site multi-season models is compared with respect to their adequacy for simulating monthly streamflow sequences. The three models brought under examination are the extended version of the multi-variate model proposed by Matalas (1967), the model formulated by Young and Pisano (1968), and the disaggregation model of Valencia and Schaake (1972). Computer implementation of these models has been accomplished in the form of the Multi-site Multi-season Streamflow Generation Package (MMSGP). Evaluation and comparison of the models has been carried out in terms of statistical flow parameters only. Some of these parameters are not explicitly built into the model structure. At the end, some general comments concerning applicability of each model are presented. [Since this phase of investigations was completed, Mejia and Roussele (1976) have proposed modification of the disaggregation model which will be taken into account in the further work on the MMSGP.]