The main task of the Meteorological extreme Event Data information system for the Eastern Alpine region (MEDEA) is the long range storing for the various range of meteorological extreme event data in Austria. Perspectively the possibility for specific analysis shall be given. The state-of-the-art concerning MEDEA can be summarized as follows: - The MORIS data information system developed at the Umweltbundesamt was tested successfully due to its potential for the requirements of MEDEA. The following needs were in the focus: 1. Integration of a wide-range data spectrum (e.g. georeferenced – not georeferenced, “hard“ natural science data – “soft” socio-economic data) 2. flexibility towards new research projects/programmes of the Austrian climate research community (e.g. ClimRisk, possible StartClim-successor, ProVision) 3. integration of uncertainty specifications belonging to the various data - A preliminary object classification has been carried out. - A first evaluation of the anticipated data and their uncertainty has been carried out. - The first StartClim data sets were imported successfully into MEDEA