Several aspects of the growing market for energy-related collaboration between pulp and paper industries (PPIs) and energy service companies (ESCOs) in Sweden were investigated through in-depth interviews with PPI and ESCO managers. Aspects of concern are the different forms of co-operation established, the mangers' views on the recent changes made regarding competence and business focus, the managers' views on the opportunities and risks with energy related cooperation and the implications for sustainable industrial energy management. The study shows that there is a mutual belief among PPI and ESCO managers that co-operation can provide opportunities for improved competitiveness through a more rational distribution of competences between companies. The main two barriers against the utilization of this potential are that ESCOs must prove that they can bring added values other than capital to pulp and paper mills, and the lack, of competition between external energy service providers. Furthermore, we argue that adding aspects related to competence and inter-firm partnering can improve the existing theory surrounding barriers and opportunities for sustainable industrial energy management in manufacturing industries.