Interest in water resources systems has been a critical part of resources and environment related research at IIASA since its inception. As demands for water increase relative to supply, the intensity and efficiency of water resources management must be developed further. This in turn requires an increase in the degree of detail and sophistication of the analysis, including economic, social and environmental evaluation of water resources development alternatives aided by application of mathematical modeling techniques, to generate inputs for planning, design and operational decisions. In the years of 1976 and 1977 IIASA has initiated a concentrated research effort focusing on modeling and forecasting of water demands. Our interest in water demands derived itself from the generally accepted realization that these fundamental aspects of water resources management have not been given due consideration in the past. The Resources and Environment Area of IIASA (Task 1, Regional Water Demand and Management) held from 17 to 21 January 1977 a Workshop on Modeling of Water Demands. 29 people from 14 different countries attended this Workshop. The Proceedings open with an introduction which attempts to provide the reader with the overall framework of IIASA's studies on modeling and forecasting of water demands. Then follows a collection of invited papers and national review reports which provide a good overview as to what is understood by "water demand analysis" in most of of the IIASA NMO countries.