This report examines the co-production of Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) liquids and electricity using biomass gasification. F-T liquids and electricity derived from biomass gasification appear as attractive alternatives for meeting energy needs in the medium-term. Biomassbased electricity generation constitutes an attractive option for the introduction of renewable energy resources and the gasification technology could offer an efficient, flexible and clean option for electricity production, as compared to conventional combustion-based plants. On the other hand, F-T liquids could have applications in the transportation sector, enabling the use of advanced internal combustion engines while being compatible with today's fuel delivery infrastructure. However, they still have to undergo substantial cost reductions in order to become competitive in the energy markets. Our analysis illustrates that a sales strategy for the co-product electricity could substantially contribute to improve the economics of F-T liquids. The biomass gasification could act as a facilitating technology for the development of integrated and flexible bioenergy strategies, since it allows the production or coproduction of, among others, electricity, hydrogen and clean liquid fuels. Biomassbased "energyplexes" would have an inherent flexibility that could be an important asset in liberalized energy markets. We also illustrate the costs and energy consumption associated with long-distance bioenergy transport to Japan using two scenarios where forest residues produced in North America and energy crops produced in Latin America are transported to Japan via ship. A variety of supply chains were compared, including transport in the forms of logs, bales, chips, pellets and F-T liquids. Early conversion of biomass to F-T liquids in advance of long-distance transport via ship appears as a favorable option on economic and energy-consumption grounds.