This paper presents estimates of fossil-fuel and biomass related black and organic carbon aerosols for two IPCC SRES families – A2 and B1. The analysis uses the latest available inventory data for these pollutants and examines their development within the context of changing worlds and varying assumptions on long-term technological change. We also examine the implications of long-term climate stabilization scenarios for these pollutants and potential synergies between overall CO2 reductions and the corresponding reductions in carbonaceous particles. The analysis is carried out using a bottom-up modelling framework and focuses on the contributions from various sector-specific activities to emissions and future reductions. The results show that there are significant co-benefits that result from local air pollution policies targeting aerosols and long-term mitigation measures aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, especially in the transportation and residential sectors. The assumptions on technological change and associated reductions in emission factors in these sectors are shown to largely drive the longterm trends in black and organic carbon aerosols.