The Working Group discussed the progress on the state of knowledge on deriving trends from measurements and their use to verify abatement measures or other causes for decrease in emissions of ammonia to the atmosphere. The conclusions from the 2000 Berne meeting (Menzi and Achermann 2001), the background review (Bleeker et al. 2008) and presentations during the session (Horvath et al. 2008 Tang et al. 2008; Webb et al. 2008), as well as the discussions served as input for the conclusions of this report. We have seen some clear advancement in closing the gap between the observed and expected values for reduced nitrogen, where we do get a better understanding of the reasons behind it. The long-term measurements that are available follow the emission trend. Current measurements make it possible to evaluate policy progress on ammonia emission abatement. Especially in those countries where there were big (>25%) changes in emissions, such as in the Netherlands and Denmark the trend is followed quite closely, especially when meteorology is well taken into account. In order countries, such as the UK, the trend was much smaller, but there was no gap between measurements and model estimates. In the Netherlands there still is an ammonia gap: a significant (30%) difference between emissions based ammonia concentrations and measurements. The trend is the same. The difference might be due to either an underestimation of the emission or an overestimation of the dry deposition. It is recommended to further explore this gap, especially by investigating the high temporal resolution measurements, improving the emission/deposition modeling, by having a model intercomparison with countries that use models that do not show a gap and finally by doing a thorough uncertainty analysis.