In the last 10-15 years much work devoted to the problem of regional economic modeling was fulfilled both in countries with planned economies and those with market economies. This work differs by the objectives, complexity, time horizons, and extent of interregional problem analysis, applied tools and so on. It seems that the time has come to start comparative analysis of this work with the main aim to generalize elaborated approaches to the solution of the whole problem and methods which are used to solve particular parts of it. As a result one or more systems of models with a more general-and as far as possible universal -- description of a subsystem may be constructed. The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) seems to be the most appropriate place in which to try to organize this kind of exploration. Having the feasibility to organize an international team of scholars who represent different schools and directions of exploration, cooperating with the scientists from East and West, organizing international conferences and workshops, IIASA seems to be the natural center for this cooperative activity. Undoubtedly, the activities might be fruitful only if cooperation with national institutions and other international organizations -- the Regional Science Association is one of the first -- is installed. Nevertheless, several years of cooperative activity are needed to obtain the first practical results in order to achieve mutual understanding of the approaches and apparatus which correspond to the conditions in different countries.