This report provides detailed information about using the MCA, which is the Web-based application formultiple criteria analysis of discrete alternatives with a simple preference specification. MCA in its currently available version supports analysis of a set of discrete alternatves, defined either interactively or through a prepared file. Each alternative is characterized by several attributes (indicators) that serve for specification of criteria. MCA has been designed for problems having large numbers of alternatives and of criteria. However, it can also be used for problems with small numbers of criteria and/or alternatives. The report is composed of two main parts. The first one provides an overview of the MCA and summarize the methodology of multiple criteria analysis implemented in the MCA. The second part consists of the step-by-step detailed tutorial to the MCA organized into three stages corresponding to (1) basic funtions of the MCA, (2) specification of problems, instances, and analyses, and (3) interactive multiciteria analysis process.