Through the analysis of a mathematical model we construct in this paper the full catalog of possible love stories among standard (i.e. secure and non-synergic) individuals. For this, we first distinguish between robust and fragile couples, i.e. couples which have one or two stable equilibria. We also distinguish between high and low quality relationships by looking at the sign of the feelings among the partners. Finally, we split fragile couples into two distinct classes, namely those that start from the state of indifference to evolve toward their most desirable equilibrium, as opposed to those that have an unfavorable evolution. The boundaries separating the various classes in any two-dimensional parameter space are either bifurcation curves or special curves characterized by the annihilation of a suitably defined indicator associated to the equilibria or to their basins of attraction. The analysis is performed in part analytically and in part numerically (through continuation methods), and is mainly focused on the role of the appeals of the individuals. The results are in agreement with common wisdom and observations and show, in particular, that love stories can evolve positively even if one of the two individuals has negative feelings in the initial phase of the relationship.