Items where Research Program is "Modeling Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes (LUC)" and Year is 2004
Agrell, P.J., Stam, A. & Fischer, G. (2004). Interactive multiobjective agro-ecological land use planning: The Bungoma region in Kenya. European Journal of Operational Research 158 (1), 194-217. 10.1016/S0377-2217(03)00355-2.
Ermolieva, T. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID:
Abrupt climate change: Lessons from integrated catastrophic risks management.
World Resource Review 16 (1), 57-82.
Fischer, G. (2004). Modelling Opportunities and Limits for Restructuring Europe Towards Sustainability (MOSUS). Second Annual Report on the 5th Framework funded project MOSUS. Submitted to the European Commission, DG Research, Brussels, Belgium [2004]
Fischer, G. (2004). The role of government in combating desertification. In: CAISTC (2004).
Fischer, G., Ermolieva, T., van Velthuizen, H.T. & Ermoliev, Y. (2004). On Sequential Downscaling Methods for Spatial Estimation of Production Values and Flows. Paper presented at DARE 2004 - Workshop on Data Assimilation and Recursive Estimation. Methodological Issues and Environmental Applications. Venice, Italy, 20-21 September 2004 [2004]
Liu, H., Li, X., Fischer, G. & Sun, L. (2004). Study on the impacts of climate change on China's agriculture. Climatic Change 65 (1), 125-148. 10.1023/B:CLIM.0000037490.17099.97.
Liu, H. & Sun, L. (2004). Beyond phase-out of quota in textile and clothing trading: WTO-plus rules and the case of US safeguards against Chinese exports in 2003. Asia Pacific Development Journal 11 (1), 49-71.
Parry, M.L., Rosenzweig, C., Iglesias, A., Livermore, M. & Fischer, G. (2004). Effects of climate change on global food production under SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios. Global Environmental Change 14 (1), 53-67. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2003.10.008.
Romaniuk, M. & Ermolieva, T. (2004). Pricing of catastrophic bonds: Application of simulation methods. In: Scientific Series on Contemporary Science, Theory and Applications: System Operation Research. Assn. of Systems and Operation Research, Warsaw School for Information, Technology and Management. Eds. Budnicki, Z., Hryniewicz, O. & Weglarz, J., Warsaw: EXIT Academic Publishing House.
Sacli, F. (2004). Office Parks, Accessibility and Location Policy. An Analysis of the Dutch Case. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-020
Shah, M.M. (2004). Dimensions of Diversity - Humanity, Nature, and Sustainable Development. Opening Plenary Speech, International Association of Universities 12th General Conference: The Wealth of Diversity, 25-29 July 2004, Sao Paulo, Brazil [2004]
Shah, M.M. (2004). Sustainable Development: Mobilizing Science for Policy Research. Presented at the First ASEAN-EU Rectors Conference on Higher Education and Sustainable Development, 4-6 October 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [2004]
Shah, M.M. (2004). The climate change -- Mitigation and adaptation. In: Sustainability Creates Prosperity: Basis for a New World Order, New Economics, and Environmental Protection. Eds. Feiler, K., Frankfurt: Peter Lang Publishing. ISBN 3-631-51973-7
Sun, L., Giljum, S. & Hubacek, K. (2004). Beyond the simple material balance: A reply to Sangwong Suh's note on physical input-output analysis. Ecological Economics 48 (1), 19-22. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2003.09.004.
Sun, L., Liu, H., Li, X. & Fischer, G. (2004). Study on the impact of climate change on China's agriculture. Climatic Change 65 (1), 125-148. 10.1023/B:CLIM.0000037490.17099.97.
Toth, F.L. (2004). Environmental Management: From Assessment to Decision-Making. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-076
Toth, F.L. & Hizsnyik, E. (2004). Assessing the Implications of Extreme Sea-level Rise - Part 1: Stakeholder Interaction Methodology in the ATLANTIS Project. Background paper prepared for the ATLANTIS Project sponsored by the European Commission under EVK-CT-2002-000138 [2004]
Toth, F.L. & Hizsnyik, E. (2004). Assessing the Implications of Extreme Sea-level Rise - Part 2: Two Pilot Designs for the ATLANTIS Stakeholder Workshops. Background paper prepared for the ATLANTIS Project sponsored by the European Commission under EVK-CT-2002-000138 [2004]