Items where Research Program is "Population and Climate Change (PCC)" and Year is 2007
Davydov, A.A. & Melnikov, N.B. (2007). Limit cycle oscillations in thermohaline circulation box model with turbulent fluxes. In: The 7th International Conference on Differential Equations EQUADIFF, 5-11 August 2007.
Davydov, A.A. & Melnikov, N.B. (2007). Soft loss of stability in an ocean circulation box model with turbulent fluxes. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 259 (2), 6-15. 10.1134/S0081543807040025.
Farsi, M., Filippini, M. & Pachauri, S. ORCID:
Fuel choices in urban Indian households.
Environment and Development Economics 12 (6), 757-774. 10.1017/S1355770X07003932.
Grubler, A. ORCID:, O'Neill, B.C., Riahi, K.
ORCID:, Chirkov, V., Goujon, A.
ORCID:, Kolp, P.
ORCID:, Prommer, I., Scherbov, S.
ORCID: & Slentoe, E.
Regional, national, and spatially explicit scenarios of demographic and economic change based on SRES.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 74 (7), 980-1029. 10.1016/j.techfore.2006.05.023.
Jiang, L. & O'Neill, B.C. (2007). Impacts of Demographic Trends on US Household Size and Structure. IIASA Research Report (Reprint). IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: RP-07-004. Reprinted from Population and Development Review, 33(3)567-591 [2007].
Jiang, L. & O'Neill, B.C. (2007). Impacts of demographic trends on US household size and structure. Population and Development Review 33 (3), 567-591. 10.1111/j.1728-4457.2007.00186.x.
Melnikov, N. & Sanderson, W.C. (2007). Intergenerational Transfers as a Link between Overlapping Generations and Ramsey Models. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-013
O'Neill, B.C. & Jiang, L. (2007). Projecting U.S. Household Changes with a New Household Model. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-017
Oppenheimer, M., O'Neill, B.C., Webster, M. & Agrawala, S. (2007). The limits of consensus. Science 317 (5844), 1505-1506. 10.1126/science.1144831.
Pachauri, S. ORCID:
An Energy Analysis of Household Consumption. Changing Patterns of Direct and Indirect Use in India.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
ISBN 978-1-4020-4301-7
Pitkin, J. (2007). Projected Impacts of U.S. Immigration on Per Capita Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2050 and 2100. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-006
Tanaka, K., Tol, R.S.J., O'Neill, B.C., Rokityanskiy, D. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID:
Evaluating Global Warming Potentials with Historical Temperature: an Application of ACC2 Inversion.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-035
Wang, J.S., O'Neill, B.C. & Chameides, W.L. (2007). Linking Mid-century Concentration Targets to Long-Term Climate Change Outcomes. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-022