Items where IIASA Author is "Wessels, Jacobus"
Wierzbicki, A.P., Makowski, M. ORCID: & Wessels, J.
Model-Based Decision Support Methodology with Environmental Applications.
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
ISBN 978-0-7923-6327-9
Wessels, J. & Wierzbicki, A.P.
Model-based decision support.
Model-based Decision Support Methodology with Environmental Applications.
Eds. Wierzbicki, A.P., Makowski, M. ORCID: & Wessels, J.,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
ISBN 0-7923-6327-2
Ermoliev, Y.M., Uryasev, S.P. & Wessels, J. (2000). On optimization of unreliable material flow systems. In: Probabilistic Constrained Optimization: Methodology and Applications. Eds. Uryasev, S.P., Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0-7923-6644-1
Wierzbicki, A.P. & Wessels, J.
The modern decision maker.
Model-based Decision Support Methodology with Environmental Applications.
Eds. Wierzbicki, A. P., Makowski, M. ORCID: & Wessels, J.,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
ISBN 0-7923-6327-2
Adan, I.J.B.F., Waarsenburg, W.A. van de & Wessels, J. (1996). Analyzing Ek/Er/c queues. European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1), 112-124. 10.1016/0377-2217(94)00288-6.
Aarts, E.H.L., Stehouwer, H.P. & Wessels, J. (1996). Learning to Detect Planning Horizons with Multi-Layered Perceptrons: A Case-Study for Lot-Sizing. Memorandum COSOR 96-18 , Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands.
de Janosi, P., Nakicenovic, N. ORCID:, Dosi, G., Greene, O., Wessels, J., Lutz, W.
ORCID:, Fischer, G. & Amann, M.
Asia Toward the 21st Century. Background Papers of Presentations by IIASA Speakers.
In: IIASA Days in Japan, Symposium, 22 - 23 April 1996, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.
Adan, I.J.B.F., Houtum, G.J. van, Wessels, J. & Zijm, W.H.M. (1996). On the precedence relation method for deriving flexible bound models for queueing systems. Kwantitatieve Methoden 17 (51), 27-36.
van den Berg, J.L., van der Heijden, C.H.T.M., Resing, J.A.C. & Wessels, J. (1995). Adaptive traffic control in ATM networks. In: Proceedings of the First Advanced System Science Symposium on Multimedia and CALS, 5-6 December 1995.
Wessels, J. (1995). Decision making: Art of science? In: Simplex Sigillum Veri. Eds. Aarts, E.H.L., Eikelder, H.M.M. ten, Hemerik, C. & Rem, M., Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Stehouwer, H.P., Aarts, E.H.L. & Wessels, J. (1995). Multi-layered perceptions for on-line lot sizing. In: Proceedings of the INRIA/IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Vol. 3.
Aarts, E.H.L., Stehouwer, H.P., Wessels, J. & Zwietering, P.J. (1995). Neural networks for combinatorial optimization. In: Proceedings of 3rd IFIP WG-7.6 Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, May 1994.
Inuiguchi, M. & Wessels, J. (1994). An Extented Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming Problems. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-94-105
Korst, J., Aarts, E.H.L., Lenstra, J.K. & Wessels, J. (1994). Periodic assignment and graph colouring. Discrete Applied Mathematics 51 (3), 291-305. 10.1016/0166-218X(92)00036-L.
Wessels, J. (1994). A new parent for a middle-aged child. Statistica Neerlandica 48 (2), 97-98. 10.1111/j.1467-9574.1994.tb01434.x.
Zwietering, P.J., Aarts, E.H.L. & Wessels, J. (1994). The minimal number of layers of a perceptron that sorts. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 20 (3), 380-387. 10.1006/jpdc.1994.1034.
Aarts, E.H.L., Stehouwer, H.P., Wessels, J. & Zwietering, P.J. (1994). Neural networks for combinatorial optimization. In: Proceedings of the Symposium New Developments in Neural Nets and Their Applications.
Adan, I.J.B.F. & Wessels, J. (1993). Shortest Expected Delay Routing for Erlang Servers. Eindhoven University of Technology , Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Aarts, E.H.L., Wessels, J. & Zwietering, P.J. (1993). The Applicability of Neural Nets for Decision Support. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-93-005
Wessels, J. (1993). Decision systems: the relation between problem specification and mathematical analysis. In: User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support. pp. 2-20 Germany: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-662-22587-5 10.1007/978-3-662-22587-5_1.
Fedra, K., Zhao, C. & Winkelbauer, L. (1993). Interactive multicriteria decision support: combining rule-based and numerical approaches. In: User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support. Eds. Wessels, J. & Wierzbicki, A.P., pp. 48-64 Germany: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-662-22587-5 10.1007/978-3-662-22587-5_4.
Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. & Zijm, W.H.M. (1993). Matrix-geometric analysis of the shortest queue problem with threshold jockeying. Operations Research Letters 13 (2), 107-112. 10.1016/0167-6377(93)90037-H.
Wessels, J. & Wierzbicki, A.P. (1993). User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-530-56382-2
Adan, I.J.B.F., van Houtum, G.J., Wessels, J. & Zijm, W.H.M. (1993). A compensation procedure for multiprogramming queues. Operations-Research-Spektrum 15 (2), 95-106. 10.1007/BF01720521.
Zwieterinng, P.J, Aarts, E.H.L & Wessels, J. (1993). The construction of minimal multilayered perceptrons: A case study for sorting. Neurocomputing 5 (4-5), 197-210. 10.1016/0925-2312(93)90007-P.
Ermoliev, Y.M., Uryasev, S.P. & Wessels, J. (1992). On Optimization of Dynamical Material Flow Systems Using Simulation. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-92-076
Adan, I.J.B.F., Waarsenburg, W.A. van de & Wessels, J. (1992). Analysing Ek:Er:c Queues. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-92-047
Aarts, E.H.L., Zwietering, P.J. & Wessels, J. (1992). Exact Classification with Two-Layered Perceptrons. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-92-049