Items where IIASA Author is "Lee, Thomas H."
Lee, T.H. (1989). Making models matter — Lessons from experience. European Journal of Operational Research 38 (3), 290-300. 10.1016/0377-2217(89)90006-4.
Lee, T.H., Linden, H.R., Dreyfus, D.A. & Vasko, T. (1988). The Methane Age. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 90-277-2745-7
Lee, T.H. & Nakicenovic, N. ORCID:
Technology life–cycles and business decisions.
International Journal of Technology Management 3 (4), 411-426. 10.1504/IJTM.1988.025978.
Lee, T.H. & Loftness, R.L. (1987). Managing Electrotechnology Innovation in the USA. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-87-054
Lee, T.H., Schmidt, E. & Anderer, J. (1986). Natural Resources and Energy Systems: A Strategic Perspective. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-86-030