The global biophysical potential for mangrove restoration dataset

Worthington, T., Walton, R., zu Ermgassen, P., Friess, D., Murray, N., Cormier, N., Lovelock, C., Adame, M., Balmford, A., Bhomia, R., Blanco-Libreros, J., Bourgeois, C., Buelow, C., Bunting, P., Canty, S., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., Datta, D., Duncan, C., Fatoyinbo, L., Hagger, V., et al. (2024). The global biophysical potential for mangrove restoration dataset. 10.5281/zenodo.11283185.

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This dataset is the restoration potential area estimates, restoration potential index scores and ecosystem service values (carbon and fisheries) to accompany the paper "The global biophysical potential for mangrove restoration" -  Worthington et al. (In Review).

Description of files

R Scripts & Data

This folder contain several R scripts and datafiles used to calculate the values in Worthington et al. (In Review)


This folder contains a shapefile that is the spatial framework of the research. Full details of the mangrove typology can be found at A global biophysical typology of mangroves version 3.

The data in 'Data Exports' can be joined to the mangrove spatial typology shapefile using the 'ID' column.

Data Exports

This folder contains several data exports that summarise the data behind Worthington et al., (In Review)

Unit_Area_Data.csv: This spreadsheet has area statistic data for each of the 3983 mangrove typological units.

Restoration_Index_Data.csv: This spreadsheet has the restoration potential index data for each of the 3983 mangrove typological units.

Fisheries_Benefits_Data.csv: 3) Fisheries_Benefits_Data.csv: This spreadsheet has the potential additional individuals of 37 mangrove-affiliated marine fish and invertebrate species of commercial importance whose populations are estimated to increase with mangrove restoration.

AGB_Carbon_Benefits_Data.csv: This spreadsheet has the potential secured and restored aboveground biomass (AGB) carbon stock (MgC) over a 40-year time horizon from restoration of mangroves.

SOC_Carbon_Benefits_Data.csv: his spreadsheet has the potential secured and restored soil carbon stock (MgC, top 1 m) over a 40-year time horizon from restoration of mangroves

Country_Statistics.csv: This spreadsheet summarises the restoration, fisheries and carbon benefits at the national level.

Item Type: Data
Additional Information: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Research Programs: Biodiversity and Natural Resources (BNR)
Depositing User: Luke Kirwan
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2025 14:27
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2025 14:27

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