CityDelta: A model intercomparison study to explore the impact of emission reductions in European cities in 2010

Cuvelier, C., Thunis, P., Vautard, R., & Amann, M. ORCID: (2007). CityDelta: A model intercomparison study to explore the impact of emission reductions in European cities in 2010. Atmospheric Environment 41 (1) 189-207. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.07.036.

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This paper gives an overview of the set up, methodology and the obtained results of the CityDelta (phase 1 and 2) project. In the context of the Clean Air For Europe programme of the European Commission, the CityDelta project was designed to evaluate the impact of emission-reduction strategies on air quality at the European continental scale and in European cities. Ozone and particulate matter (PM) are the main components that have been studied. To achieve this goal, a model intercomparison study was organized with the participation of more than 20 modelling groups with a large number of modelling configurations. Two following main topics can be identified in the project. First, in order to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, the participating models were evaluated against observations in a control year (1999). An accompanying paper will discuss in detail this evaluation aspect for four European cities. The second topic is the actual evaluation of the impact of emission reductions on levels of ozone and PM, with particular attention to the differences between large-scale and fine-scale models. An accompanying paper will discuss this point in detail. In this overview paper the main input to the intercomparison is described as well as the use of the ensemble approach. Finally, attention is given to the policy relevant issue on how to implement the urban air quality signal into large-scale air quality models through the use of functional relationships.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Air quality; Ozone; Particulate matter; Model intercomparison; Emission-reduction scenarios
Research Programs: Atmospheric Pollution (APD)
Bibliographic Reference: Atmospheric Environment; 41(1):189-207 (January 2007) (Published online 25 October 2006)
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 08:39
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:19

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