Items where Research Program is "Equity and Justice (EQU)" and Year is 2023

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Number of items: 65.


Abrams, J.F., Huntingford, C., Williamson, M.S., Armstrong McKay, D.I., Boulton, C.A., Buxton, J.E., Sakschewski, B., Loriani, S., Zimm, C. ORCID:, Winkelmann, R. & Lenton, T.M. (2023). Committed Global Warming Risks Triggering Multiple Climate Tipping Points. Earth's Future 11 (11), e2022EF003250. 10.1029/2022EF003250.


Beck, M.B., Chen, C., Walker, R.V., Wen, Z. & Han, J. (2023). Multi-sectoral analysis of smarter urban nitrogen metabolism: A case study of Suzhou, China. Ecological Modelling 478, e110286. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110286.

Beier, J. & Hanger-Kopp, S. (2023). Bewässerung in der österreichischen GAP 2023-2027: Ressourcenschonende landwirtschaftliche Produktion im Seewinkel [Irrigation in the Austrian common agricultural policy 2023-2027: Resource-saving agricultural production in the Seewinkel area]. IIASA Policy Brief. Laxenburg, Austria

Beier, J., Hanger-Kopp, S. & Kwhang-Gil Lemke, L. (2023). Integrative Qualitative Systems Mapping (IQSM) approach for knowledge integration in transdisciplinary research. In: adaptation futures 2023, 2-6 October, 2023, Montreal, Canada.

Birkmann, J., Schüttrumpf, H., Handmer, J., Thieken, A., Kuhlicke, C., Truedinger, A., Sauter, H., Klopries, E.-M., Greiving, S., Jamshed, A., Merz, B., Solecki, W. & Kirschbauer, L. (2023). Strengthening resilience in reconstruction after extreme events – Insights from flood affected communities in Germany. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 96, e103965. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103965.


Campo, P., Willaarts, B. ORCID:, Magnuszewski, P., Giger, T., Ksiazczak, A.M., Brychczynski, H. & Kułakowska, M. (2023). Collaborative Design of Pathways to Sustainability. Guidebook for designing and running in-person workshops. Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.8345513.

Clar, C., Junger, L., Nordbeck, R. & Thaler, T. (2023). The impact of demographic developments on flood risk management systems in rural regions in the Alpine Arc. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 90, e103648. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103648.


de Goer de Herve, M., Schinko, T. ORCID: & Handmer, J. (2023). Risk justice: Boosting the contribution of risk management to sustainable development. Risk Analysis 00, 1-15. 10.1111/risa.14157.


Eker, S. ORCID:, Wilson, C. ORCID:, Hohne, N., McCaffrey, M., Monasterolo, I., Niamir, L. ORCID: & Zimm, C. ORCID: (2023). A dynamic systems approach to harness the potential of social tipping. arXiv 10.48550/arXiv.2309.14964.


Haderer, M., Brand, U., Daniel, A., Exner, A., Frankhauser, J., Görg, C., Novy, A., Schinko, T. ORCID:, Schlitz, N. & Strüver, A. (2023). Kapitel 28. Theorien des Wandels und der Gestaltung von Strukturen: Gesellschaftsperspektive. In: APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben. Eds. Görg, C., Madner, V., Muhar, A., Novy, A., Posch, A., Steininger, K. & Aigner, E., Berlin/Heidelberg: SpringerSpektrum.

Hagen, I., Allen, S., S.Bahinipati, C., Frey, H., Huggel, C., Karabaczek, V., Kienberger, S., Mechler, R. ORCID:, Menk, L. & Schinko, T. ORCID: (2023). A reality check for the applicability of comprehensive climate risk assessment and management: Experiences from Peru, India and Austria. Climate Risk Management 41, e100534. 10.1016/j.crm.2023.100534.

Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Deubelli, T. ORCID:, Mechler, R. ORCID:, Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Laurien, F. ORCID: & Handmer, J. (2023). Closing the ‘operationalisation gap‘: Insights from systemic risk research to inform transformational adaptation and risk management. Climate Risk Management 41, e100531. 10.1016/j.crm.2023.100531.

Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Zhu, Q., Ciullo, A., Peisker, J. ORCID: & Van den Hurk, B. (2023). Differential Fiscal Performances of Plausible Disaster Events: A Storyline Approach for the Caribbean and Central American Governments under CCRIF. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 10.1007/s41885-023-00126-0.

Hudson, P. & Thaler, T. (2023). Defining affordability and adaptation resource prioritisation. Climate Risk Management 42, e100569. 10.1016/j.crm.2023.100569.


Jonas, M., Novy, A., Bärnthaler, R., Karabaczek, V., Plank, L. & Schinko, T. ORCID: (2023). Kapitel 27. Theorien des Wandels und der Gestaltung von Strukturen: Bereitstellungsperspektive. In: APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben. Eds. Görg, C., Madner, V., Muhar, A., Novy, A., Posch, A., Steininger, K. & Aigner, E., Berlin/Heidelberg: SpringerSpektrum.


Kanade, R., Lohakare, K., Bhadbhade, N., Joy, K.J., Thomas, B.K., Martin, J. ORCID: & Willaarts, B. ORCID: (2023). Situational Analysis of the Upper Bhima sub-basin in the context of the Water-Food-Biodiversity Nexus. Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.8255959.

Kariuki, P., Edel, I., Hauser, M., Irshaid, J., Joseph, J., Kahil, T. ORCID:, Luna Gonzalez, D., Smilovic, M. ORCID:, Tramberend, S. ORCID: & Yillia, P. (2023). Report: scaleWAYS Final Workshop. IIASA Report. Laxenburg: IIASA

Kikstra, J. ORCID:, Mintz-Woo, K. ORCID:, Zimm, C. ORCID:, Schinko, T. ORCID:, Pachauri, S. ORCID:, Min, J. ORCID:, Brutschin, E. ORCID:, Hoffmann, R. & Rogelj, J. ORCID: (2023). A Guide for Describing Aspects of Justice in Climate Scenario Research. In: 16th IAMC Annual Meeting, November 14-16, 2023, Venice, Italy.

Kuhlicke, C., Madruga de Brito, M., Bartkowski, B., Botzen, W., Doğulu, C., Han, S., Hudson, P., Nuray Karanci, A., Klassert, C.J., Otto, D., Scolobig, A., Moreno Soares, T. & Rufat, S. (2023). Spinning in circles? A systematic review on the role of theory in social vulnerability, resilience and adaptation research. Global Environmental Change 80, e102672. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102672.


Lenton, T.M., Armstrong McKay, D.I., Loriani, S., Abrams, J.F., Lade, S.J., Donges, J.F., Milkoreit, M., Powell, T., Smith, S.R., Zimm, C. ORCID:, Buxton, J.E., Bailey, E., Laybourn, L., Ghadiali, A. & Dyke, J.G. (2023). The Global Tipping Points Report 2023. University of Exeter , Exeter, UK.

Lenton, T.M., Xu, C., Abrams, J.F.., Ghadiali, A., Loriani, S., Sakschewski, B., Zimm, C. ORCID:, Ebi, K.L., Dunn, R.R., Svenning, J.-C. & Scheffer, M. (2023). Quantifying the human cost of global warming. Nature Sustainability 6, 1237-1247. 10.1038/s41893-023-01132-6.

Linnerooth-Bayer, J. (2023). Ethics Management Plan. Deliverable 6.2 of the NATURANCE project

Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Bacciu, V., Plana, E., Sousa, L., Surminski, S. & Deubelli, T. ORCID: (2023). Nature-based solutions for wildfire risk management: the role of insurance. In: EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna.

Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Martin, J. ORCID:, Fresolone-Caparrós, A. ORCID:, Scolobig, A., Rodriguez, J.A., Solheim, A., Olsen, S.G. & Reutz, E.H. (2023). Learning from NBS implementation barriers. Deliverable 5.4 of the PHUSICOS project

Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Scolobig, A., Aguilera Rodríguez, J., Fresolone-Caparrós, A. ORCID:, Olsen, S.G., Hoffstad Reutz, E., Martin, J. ORCID: & Solheim, A. (2023). Tackling policy barriers to nature-based solutions. IIASA Policy Brief. Laxenburg, Austria: PB-39

Lutz, W. ORCID: & Pachauri, S. ORCID: (2023). Systems Analysis for Sustainable Wellbeing. 50 years of IIASA research, 40 years after the Brundtland Commission, contributing to the post-2030 Global Agenda. IIASA Report. Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) 10.5281/zenodo.8214208.


Magnuszewski, P., Campo, P., Strelkovskii, N. ORCID:, Fresolone-Caparrós, A. ORCID:, Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Poledna, S., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Pajak, M., Goujon, A. ORCID:, Conte, A., Szewczyk, K. & Wegschaider, K. (2023). The Migration Policy Simulation: Engaging stakeholders in Austria’s migration future by linking an agent-based model with a policy exercise. IIASA Report. Laxenburg, Austria: IIASA

Martin, J. ORCID:, Irshaid, J., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Scolobig, A., Rodriguez, J.A. & Fresolone-Caparrós, A. ORCID: (2023). Opportunities and barriers to NBS at the EU, national, regional and local scales, with suggested reforms and innovations. Deliverable 5.2 of the PHUSICOS project

Martin, J. ORCID:, Scolobig, A., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Aguilera Rodríguez, J.J., Balsiger, J., Del Seppia, N., Fresolone-Caparrós, A. ORCID:, Garcia, E., Kraushaar, S., Verges, D., Wulff Knusten, T. & Zingraff-Hamed, A. (2023). Policy and finance innovation for nature-based solutions. IIASA Policy Brief. Laxenburg, Austria: PB-38

Mintz-Woo, K. ORCID: (2023). Carbon tax ethics. WIREs Climate Change 15 (1), e858. 10.1002/wcc.858.

Mintz-Woo, K. ORCID: (2023). Compensation Duties. In: Handbook of Philosophy of Climate Change. Eds. Pellegrino, G. & Di Paola, M., pp. 1-19 Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-16960-2 10.1007/978-3-030-16960-2_54-1.

Mintz-Woo, K. ORCID: (2023). The NET effect: negative emissions technologies and the need–efficiency trade-off. Global Sustainability 6 10.1017/sus.2023.3.

Moersberger, H., Martin, J.G.C. ORCID:, Junker, J., Georgieva, I. ORCID:, Maes, J., McCallum, I. ORCID:, Pereira, H.M. & Bonn, A. (2023). European survey to co-design the Europa Biodiversity Observation Network (EuropaBON). ARPHA Preprints 10.3897/arphapreprints.e104168.

Moersberger, H., Martin, J.G.C. ORCID:, Junker, J., Georgieva, I. ORCID:, Maes, J., McCallum, I. ORCID:, Pereira, H.M. & Bonn, A. (2023). National survey to co-design the Europa Biodiversity Observation Network (EuropaBON). ARPHA Preprints 10.3897/arphapreprints.e104251.

Musacchio, G., Saraò, A., Falsaperla, S. & Scolobig, A. (2023). A scoping review of seismic risk communication in Europe. Frontiers in Earth Science 11, e1155576. 10.3389/feart.2023.1155576.


Novy, A., Haderer, M., Kubeczko, K., Aigner, E., Bärnthaler, R., Brand, U., Brudermann, T., Daniel, A., Exner, A., Frankhauser, J., Getzner, M., Görg, C., Jonas, M., Ohndorf, M., Ornetzeder, M., Plank, L., Schinko, T. ORCID:, Schlitz, N., Strüver, A. & Tödtling, F. (2023). Kapitel 2: Perspektiven zur Analyse und Gestaltung von Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben. In: APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben. Eds. Görg, C., Madner, V., Muhar, A., Novy, A., Posch, A., Steininger, K. & Aigner, E., Berlin/Heidelberg: SpringerSpektrum.

Novy, A., Kubeczko, K., Haderer, M., Bärnthaler, R., Brand, U., Brudermann, T., Daniel, A., Exner, A., Getzner, M., Görg, C., Jonas, M., Ohndorf, M., Ornetzeder, M., Plank, L., Schinko, T. ORCID:, Schlitz, N., Strüver, A. & Tödtling, F. (2023). Kapitel 24. Theorien des Wandels und der Gestaltung von Strukturen. In: APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben. Eds. Görg, C., Madner, V., Muhar, A., Novy, A., Posch, A., Steininger, K. & Aigner, E., Berlin/Heidelberg: SpringerSpektrum.


Pajak, M., Magnuszewski, P., Poledna, S., Strelkovskii, N. ORCID:, Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Goujon, A. ORCID:, Conte, A., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Fresolone-Caparrós, A. ORCID:, Catalano, M. & Campo, P. (2023). A model-based policy exercise to examine climate migration policy in Europe. In: Klimatag 2023, 11-13 April 2023.

Peisker, J. ORCID: (2023). Context matters: The drivers of environmental concern in European regions. Global Environmental Change 79, e102636. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102636.

Peisker, J. ORCID: & Schinko, T. ORCID: (2023). Yes we can? Effects of a participatory visioning process on perceived climate efficacy. Frontiers in Climate 5, e1129789.. 10.3389/fclim.2023.1129789.


Rockström, J., Gupta, J., Qin, D., Lade, S.J., Abrams, J.F., Andersen, L.S., Armstrong McKay, D.I., Bai, X., Bala, G., Bunn, S.E., Ciobanu, D., DeClerck, F., Ebi, K., Gifford, L., Gordon, C., Hasan, S., Kanie, N., Lenton, T.M., Loriani, S., Liverman, D.M. et al. (2023). Safe and just Earth system boundaries. Nature 10.1038/s41586-023-06083-8.

Rosengren, L., Schinko, T. ORCID:, Sendzimir, J., Mohammed, A.-R., Buwah, R., Vihinen, H. & Raymond, C. (2023). Interlinkages between leverage points for strengthening adaptive capacity to climate change. Sustainability Science 10.1007/s11625-023-01327-y.

Russell, C., Gyawali, D., Linnerooth-Bayer, J. & Thompson, M. (2023). Disaster risk reduction reconsidered. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 96, e103895. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103895.


Schinko, T. ORCID:, Berchtold, C., Handmer, J., Deubelli, T. ORCID:, Preinfalk, E., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Scolobig, A., Serra, M. & Plana, E. (2023). A framework for considering justice aspects in integrated wildfire risk management. Nature Climate Change 13, 788-795. 10.1038/s41558-023-01726-0.

Schirpke, U., Tasser, E., Borsky, S., Braun, M., Eitzinger, J., Gaube, V., Getzner, M., Glatzel, S., Gschwantner, T., Kirchner, M., Leitinger, G., Mehdi-Schulz, B., Mitter, H., Scheifinger, H., Thaler, S., Thom, D. & Thaler, T. (2023). Past and future impacts of land-use changes on ecosystem services in Austria. Journal of Environmental Management 345, e118728. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118728.

Scolobig, A., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Pelling, M., Martin, J. ORCID:, Deubelli, T. ORCID:, Liu, W. ORCID: & Oen, A. (2023). Transformative Adaptation through Nature-Based Solutions. In: EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna.

Scolobig, A., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Pelling, M., Martin, J. ORCID:, Deubelli, T. ORCID:, Liu, W. ORCID: & Oen, A. (2023). Transformative adaptation through nature-based solutions: a comparative case study analysis in China, Italy, and Germany. Regional Environmental Change 23 (2), e69. 10.1007/s10113-023-02066-7.

Scolobig, A., Rodriguez, J.A., Martin, J. ORCID: & Linnerooth-Bayer, J. (2023). Governance innovation for the design, financing and implementation of NBS, and their application to the concept and demonstration projects. Deliverable 5.3 of the PHUSICOS project

Seebauer, S., Thaler, T., Hanger-Kopp, S. & Schinko, T. ORCID: (2023). How path dependency manifests in flood risk management: observations from four decades in the Ennstal and Aist catchments in Austria. Regional Environmental Change 23 (1), e31. 10.1007/s10113-023-02029-y.

Steel, D., Mintz-Woo, K. ORCID: & DesRoches, C. (2023). Collapse, social tipping dynamics, and framing climate change. Politics, Philosophy & Economics 23 (3) 10.1177/1470594X231196432.

Stewart-Koster, B., Bunn, S.E., Green, P., Ndehedehe, C., Andersen, L., Armstrong McKay, D., Bai, X., DeClerck, F., Ebi, K., Gordon, C., Gupta, J., Hasan, S., Jacobson, L., Lade, S., Liverman, D., Loriani, S., Mohamed, A., Nakicenovic, N. ORCID:, Obura, D., Qin, D. et al. (2023). Living within the safe and just Earth system boundaries for blue water. Nature Sustainability 10.1038/s41893-023-01247-w.

Strelkovskii, N. ORCID:, Poledna, S., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID: & Linnerooth-Bayer, J. (2023). A guide to the methodology and potential applications of economic agent-based models (ABMs). IIASA , Laxenburg.


Tanaka, T., Shi, F., Catelo, M., Kawasaki, A., Yokomatsu, M. & Ohara, M. (2023). Agent-based modelling of flood disaster impact for agricultural community: a case study in Pampamga river basin, republic of the Philippines. In: Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning. pp. 1-6 Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management.

Thaler, T., Hanger-Kopp, S., Schinko, T. ORCID: & Nordbeck, R. (2023). Addressing path dependencies in decision-making processes for operationalizing compound climate-risk management. iScience 26 (7), e107073. 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107073.

Thaler, T. & Penning‐Rowsell, E.C. (2023). Policy experimentation within flood risk management: Transition pathways in Austria. The Geographical Journal 189 (4), 701-714. 10.1111/geoj.12528.

Thompson, M. (2023). Where Would We Be Without Rubbish? In: Of Hoarding and Housekeeping: Material Kinship and Domestic Space in Anthropological Perspective. Eds. Newell, S., pp. 228-254 New York, NY: Berghahn. ISBN 978-1-80539-092-3

Tordy, M., Prantl, E. & Schinko, T. ORCID: (2023). Handbook for Climate Peer-to-Peer Training. IIASA , Laxenburg.

Tröndle, T., Annaheim, J., Hoppe, J., Hanger-Kopp, S. & Patt, A. (2023). Public preferences for phasing-out fossil fuels in the german building and transport sectors. Environmental Research Communications 5 (8), e081001. 10.1088/2515-7620/acec39.


Watson, M., Brown, C., Handmer, J., Kroll, C., Wein, A., Helgeson, J., Rose, A., Dormady, N. & Kim, J. (2023). Methods and lessons for business resilience and recovery surveys. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 93, e103743. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103743.

Wilson, C. ORCID:, De Stercke, S. & Zimm, C. ORCID: (2023). Building back better: Granular energy technologies in green recovery funding programs. Joule 7 (6), 1206-1226. 10.1016/j.joule.2023.05.012.

Wright, G., Salk, C., Magnuszewski, P., Stefanska, J., Andersson, K., Benavides, J.P. & Chazdon, R. (2023). Conformity and tradition are more important than environmental values in constraining resource overharvest. PLoS ONE 18 (2), e0272366. 10.1371/journal.pone.0272366.


Yokomatsu, M., Mochizuki, J. ORCID:, Joseph, J., Burek, P. ORCID: & Kahil, T. ORCID: (2023). Macroeconomic co-benefits of DRR investment: assessment using the Dynamic Model of Multi-hazard Mitigation CoBenefits (DYNAMMICs) model. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 32 (1), 139-162. 10.1108/DPM-07-2022-0154.

Yokomatsu, M., Schinko, T. ORCID:, ORCID:, J. & Rezai, A. (2023). Developing a Growth Model of Household Heterogeneity, Human Capital Investment, and Impacts of Disaster Events. In: 28th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE 2023), 27 - 30 June 2023, The Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus.

Yokomatsu, M., Zhu, Q., Hochrainer-Stigler, S. & Mechler, Reinhard ORCID: (2023). Developing a model of disaster policies and the sovereign debt sustainability. In: The 13th International Conference of the International Society for the Integrated Disaster Risk Management, 28-30 September 2023, Roorkee, India.


Zebisch, M., Renner, K., Pittore, M., Fritsch, U., Fruchter, S.R., Kienberger, S., Schinko, T. ORCID:, Sparkes, E., Hagenlocher, M., Schneiderbauer, S. & Delvis, J.L. (2023). Climate Risk Sourcebook. Bonn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

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