Items where Research Program is "Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies (ECS)" and Year is 2000
Criqui, P., Kouvaritakis, N. & Schrattenholzer, L. (2000). The impacts of carbon constraints on power generation and renewable energy technologies. In: Proceedings of IPCC Expert Meeting on the Sectoral Impacts of GHG Mitigation, 14-15 February 2000.
Criqui, P., Martin, J., Schrattenholzer, L., Kram, T., Soete, L. & Zon, A. van (2000). Energy technology dynamics. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 14 (1), 65-103. 10.1504/IJGEI.2000.004416.
Harmon, C. (2000). Experience Curves of Photovoltaic Technology. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-00-014
Iwafune, Y. (2000). Technology Progress Dynamics of Compact Fluorescent Lamps. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-00-009
Jansen, H. & Klaassen, G. (2000). Economic Impacts of the 1997 EU Energy Tax: Simulations with Three EU-Wide Models. IIASA Research Report (Reprint). IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: RR-00-004. Reprinted from Environmental and Resource Economics, 15:179-197 [2000].
Jansen, H. & Klaassen, G. (2000). Economic impacts of the 1997 EU energy tax: Simulations with three EU-wide models. Environmental and Resource Economics, 179-197. 10.1023/A:1008309512349.
Klaassen, G. & McDonald, A. (2000). Planning gas infrastructures in Eurasia under uncertainty. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Systems: Optimization and Economic-Environmental Applications (DSO'2000), 30 May - 2 June 2000.
Klaassen, G. & McDonald, A. (2000). The future of gas exports in Eurasia. In: Proceedings of the Regional WEC European Energy Forum "KYIV-2000", 16-18 May 2000.
Klaassen, G., Riahi, K. ORCID: & Roehrl, R.A.
Global energy scenarios, gas transmission and the environment in Asia.
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Northeast Asian Gas and Pipeline Forum, 17-19 September 2000.
Kram, T., Morita, T., Riahi, K. ORCID:, Roehrl, R.A., Rooijen, S. van, Sankovski, A. & Vries, B. de
Global and Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scenarios.
IIASA Research Report (Reprint).
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: RR-00-022. Reprinted from Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 63:335-371 [2000].
Kram, T., Morita, T., Riahi, K. ORCID:, Roehrl, R.A., Rooijen, S. van, Sankovski, A. & Vries, B. de
Global and regional greenhouse gas emissions scenarios.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 335-371.
Kram, T., Seebregts, A.J., Schaeffer, G.J., Barreto, L., Kypreos, S., Messner, S. & Schrattenholzer, L. (2000). Technology dynamics in energy systems models with perfect foresight. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 14 (1), 48-64.
Kypreos, S., Barreto, L., Capros, P. & Messner, S. (2000). ERIS: A model prototype with endogenous technological change. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 14 (1), 374-397. 10.1504/IJGEI.2000.004441.
McDonald, A. (2000). Climate Change and World Energy. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-00-006
Mensink, P.G.C. (2000). Emulating a Long-Term Energy Scenario with the MERGE2 Model. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-00-029
Messner, S. & Schrattenholzer, L. (2000). MESSAGE-MACRO: Linking an Energy Supply Model with a Macroeconomic Module and Solving it Iteratively. IIASA Research Report (Reprint). IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: RR-00-010. Reprinted from Energy - The International Journal, 25:267-282 [2000].
Messner, S. & Schrattenholzer, L. (2000). MESSAGE-MACRO: Linking an energy supply model with a macroeconomic module and solving it iteratively. Energy 25 (3), 267-282. 10.1016/S0360-5442(99)00063-8.
Messner, S., Strubegger, M. & Wierzbicki, A.P.
Energy planning.
Model-based Decision Support Methodology with Environmental Applications.
Eds. Wierzbicki, A.P., Makowski, M. ORCID: & Wessels, J.,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
ISBN 0-7923-6327-2
Nakicenovic, N. ORCID:, Alcamo, J., Grubler, A.
ORCID:, Riahi, K.
ORCID:, Roehrl, R.A., Rogner, H.-H.
ORCID: & Victor, N.
Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES), A Special Report of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 0-521-80493-0
Nakicenovic, N. ORCID:, Gritsevskii, A., Grubler, A.
ORCID: & Riahi, K.
Global Natural Gas Perspectives.
International Gas Union (IGU), Office of the Secretary General, Denmark and IIASA, Austria (October 2000)
Riahi, K. ORCID: & Roehrl, R.A.
Energy Technology Strategies for Carbon Dioxide Mitigation and Sustainable Development.
IIASA Research Report (Reprint).
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: RR-01-004. Reprinted from Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 3(2):89-123 [2000].
Riahi, K. ORCID: & Roehrl, R.A.
Energy technology strategies for carbon dioxide mitigation and sustainable development.
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 3 (2), 89-123. 10.1007/BF03354032.
Riahi, K. ORCID: & Roehrl, R.A.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Dynamics-as-Usual Scenario of Economic and Energy Development.
IIASA Research Report (Reprint).
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: RR-00-016. Reprinted from Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 63:175-205 [2000]. 10.1016/S0040-1625(99)00111-0.
Riahi, K. ORCID: & Roehrl, R.A.
Greenhouse gas emissions in a dynamics-as-usual scenario of economic and energy development.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 63 (2), 175-205. 10.1016/S0040-1625(99)00111-0.
Roehrl, R.A. & Riahi, K. ORCID:
IPCC Weltenergieszenarien fuer das 21. Jahrhundert - CO2 Reduzierung und nachhaltige Entwicklung.
In: Energiezukunft 2030 - Schluesseltechnologien und Techniklinien, Proceedings of the IKARUS Workshop, 2-3 May 2000.
Roehrl, R.A. & Riahi, K. ORCID:
Robust technology strategies for carbon dioxide mitigation in the world electricity and transport sectors.
The Sustainable Future of the Global System III.
Tokyo: United Nations University (UNU).
ISBN 4-9066-86-09-5
Roehrl, R.A. & Riahi, K. ORCID:
Technology Dynamics and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigation: A Cost Assessment.
IIASA Research Report (Reprint).
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: RR-00-017. Reprinted from Technolgical Forecasting and Social Change, 63(2-3):231-261 [2000]. 10.1016/S0040-1625(99)00112-2.
Roehrl, R.A. & Riahi, K. ORCID:
Technology dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation: A cost assessment.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 63 (2), 231-261. 10.1016/S0040-1625(99)00112-2.
Schrattenholzer, L., Fujie, Y., Criqui, P., Soete, L., Zon, A. van & Herrmann, D. (2000). A longer-term outlook on future energy systems. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 14 (1), 348-373.
Zhao, J. (2000). Diffusion, Costs and Learning in the Development of International Gas Transmission Lines. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-00-054