Items where Research Program is "Ecosystems Services and Management (ESM)" and Year is 2011

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Bamiere, L., Havlik, P. ORCID:, Jacquet, F., Lherm, M., Millet, G. & Bretagnolle, V. (2011). Farming system modelling for agri-environmental policy design: The case of a spatially non-aggregated allocation of conservation measures. Ecological Economics 70 (5), 891-899. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2010.12.014.

Bigelow, S.W., North, M.P. & Salk, C.F. (2011). Using light to predict fuels-reduction and group-selection effects on succession in Sierran mixed-conifer forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (10), 2051-2063. 10.1139/x11-120.

Bird, D.N., Zanchi, G., Pena, N., Havlik, P. ORCID: & Frieden, D. (2011). Analysis of the potential of sustainable forest-based bioenergy for climate change mitigation. Working Paper 59, CIFOR - Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia

Bottcher, H., Gusti, M., Mosnier, A. & Havlik, P. ORCID: (2011). Global forestry emissions projections and abatement costs. Final Report submitted to The Secretary of State of Energy and Climate Change, London, UK (August 2011)

Bottcher, H., Verkerk, H., Gusti, M., Havlik, P. ORCID: & Schneider, U. (2011). Analysis of potential and costs of LULUCF use by EU Member States. Final Report submitted to the European Commission - DG Climate Action, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria (May 2011)

Bun, A., Hamal, K. & Jonas, M. ORCID: (2011). Preparatory Signal Detection for the EU-27 Member States Under EU Burden Sharing - Advanced Monitoring Including Uncertainty (1990-2006). IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-11-004

Bun, A., Hamal, K., Jonas, M. ORCID: & Lesiv, M. ORCID: (2011). Verification of compliance with GHG emission targets: Annex B countries. In: Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Dealing with Uncertainty. Eds. White, T, Jonas, M ORCID:, Nahorski, Z & Nilsson, S, Dordrecht: Springer. 10.1007/978-94-007-1670-4_12.

Bun, R., Hamal, K., Gusti, M. & Bun, A. (2011). Spatial GHG inventory at the regional level: Accounting for uncertainty. In: Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Dealing With Uncertainty. Eds. White, T, Jonas, M ORCID:, Nahorski, Z & Nilsson, S, Dordrecht: Springer. 10.1007/978-94-007-1670-4_13.


Cao, G.-Y., Zheng, X., Horabik, J., Nilsson, S., Xu, J., Wang, H. & Wang, H. (2011). Scenario analysis for the trends of paper consumption in China: Urbanization effect in the medium term. Population and Development 17 (2), 1-13.

Carver, S. & Fritz, S. ORCID: (2011). Modelling remoteness in mountain areas - Case study. In: An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems. Eds. Heywood, I, Cornelius, S & Carver, S, Pearson Education: 4th Edition. ISBN 9780273722595

Chaipimonplin, T., See, L. ORCID: & Kneale, P. (2011). Improving neural network for flood forecasting using radar data on the Upper Ping River. In: MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty. pp. 1070-1076 Perth, WA; Australia. ISBN 978-098721431-7


Davis, S.C., House, J.I., Diaz-Chavez, R.A., Molnar, A., Valin, H. ORCID: & DeLucia, E.H. (2011). How can land-use modelling tools inform bioenergy policies? Interface Focus, 212-223. 10.1098/rsfs.2010.0023.

Demetriou, D., Stillwell, J. & See, L. ORCID: (2011). LandSpaCES: A spatial expert system for land consolidation. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-19789-5_13. In: Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World.

Demetriou, D., Stillwell, J. & See, L. ORCID: (2011). The development and evaluation of a new model for measuring land fragmentation. Working Paper 11/05, School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK (October 2011)

Demetriou, D., Stillwell, J. & See, L. ORCID: (2011). A multi-attribute decision-making module for the evaluation of alternative land consolidation plans. Working Paper 11/02, School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK (June 2011)

Demetriou, D., Stillwell, J. & See, L. ORCID: (2011). A multi-attribute decision-making module for the evaluation of alternative land consolidation plans. Working Paper of the University of Leeds, School of Geography; 11(2):1-61 (August 2011)


Ermolieva, T., Ermoliev, Y., Fischer, G., Jonas, M. ORCID:, Makowski, M. ORCID: & Wagner, F. ORCID: (2011). Carbon emission trading and carbon taxes under uncertainties. In: Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Dealing With Uncertainty. Eds. White, T, Jonas, M ORCID:, Nahorski, Z & Nilsson, S, Dordrecht: Springer. 10.1007/978-94-007-1670-4_16.


Fischer, G., Hizsnyik, E., Prieler, S. ORCID: & Wiberg, D. (2011). Scarcity and abundance of land resources: Competing uses and the shrinking land resource base. SOLAW Background Thematic Report - TR02. FAO and IIASA

Fischer, G. (2011). How can climate change and the development of bioenergy alter the long-term outlook for food and agriculture. In: Looking Ahead in World Food and Agriculture: Perspectives to 2050. Eds. Conforti, P, Rome: FAO.

Franklin, O. ORCID:, Hall, E.K., Kaiser, C., Battin, T.J. & Richter, A. (2011). Optimization of biomass composition explains microbial growth-stoichiometry relationships. The American Naturalist 177 (2), E29-E42. 10.1086/657684.

Frayer, O. (2011). Agricultural Production Intensification in Ukraine: Decision Support of Agricultural Policies Based On the Assessment of Ecological and Social Impacts in Rural Areas. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-11-037

Fritz, S. ORCID:, See, L. ORCID:, McCallum, I. ORCID:, Schill, C., Obersteiner, M. ORCID:, van der Velde, M., Bottcher, H., Havlik, P. ORCID: & Achard, F. (2011). Highlighting continued uncertainty in global land cover maps for the user community. Environmental Research Letters 6 (4), no.044005. 10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/044005.

Fritz, S. ORCID:, See, L. ORCID:, McCallum, I. ORCID:, Schill, C., Perger, C. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Building a crowd-sourcing tool for the validation of urban extent and gridded population. In: Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011. Eds. Murgante, B, Gervasi, O & Iglesias, A, Heidelberg: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-642-21887-3_4.

Fritz, S. ORCID:, Shchepashchenko, D. ORCID:, McCallum, I. ORCID:, Perger, C., Schill, C., Baccini, A., Gallaun, H., Kindermann, G. ORCID:, Obersteiner, M. ORCID:, Santoro, M., Schmullius, C. & Shvidenko, A. (2011). Observing terrestrial biomass globally: AGU Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract B51C-0404 (December 2011)

Fritz, S. ORCID:, You, L., Bun, A., See, L. ORCID:, McCallum, I. ORCID:, Schill, C., Perger, C., Liu, J., Hansen, M. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Cropland for sub-Saharan Africa: A synergistic approach using five land cover data sets. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L04404. 10.1029/2010GL046213.

Fuss, S. (2011). The value of information: Applications in the field of land-use. DOI:10.2788/78532. In: Socio-Economic Benefits from the Use of Earth Observation: Report from the international workshop, 11-13 July 2011.

Fuss, S., Gusti, M., Kraxner, F., Aoki, K. & Szolgayova, J. (2011). Boreal forests as a carbon sink: A real options perspective. In: Boreal Forests in a Changing World: Challenges and Needs for Action. Proceedings of the international conference IBFRA, 15-21 August 2011.

Fuss, S., Havlik, P. ORCID:, Szolgayova, J. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). A stochastic analysis of biofuel policies. In: Energy Solutions for a Sustainable World - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Applied Energy (ICEA2011), 16-18 May 2011.

Fuss, S., Szolgayova, J., Golub, A. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Options on low-cost abatement and investment in the energy sector: New perspectives on REDD. Environment and Development Economics 16 (4), 507-525. 10.1017/S1355770X10000410.


Grainger, A. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). A framework for structuring the global forest monitoring landscape in the REDD-plus era. Environmental Science & Policy 10.1016/j.envsci.2010.10.006.

Gustafson, E.J., Shvidenko, A.Z. & Scheller, R.M. (2011). Effectiveness of forest management strategies to mitigate effects of global change in south-central Siberia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (7), 1405-1421. 10.1139/x11-065.

Gustafson, E.J., Sturtevant, B.R., Shvidenko, A.Z. & Scheller, R.M. (2011). Using landscape disturbance and succession models to support forest management. In: Landscape Ecology in Forest Management and Conservation: Challenges and Solutions for Global Change. Eds. Li, C, Lafortezza, R & Chen, J, Heidelberg: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-642-12754-0_5.

Gusti, M. & Kindermann, G. ORCID: (2011). An approach to modeling landuse change and forest management on a global scale. In: Proceedings, 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2011). pp. 180-185 Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands: SCITE Press. ISBN 978-989-8425-78-2 10.5220/0003607501800185.

Gusti, M. & Jonas, M. ORCID: (2011). Terrestrial full carbon account for Russia: Revised uncertainty estimates and their role in a bottom-up/top-down accounting exercise. In: Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Dealing With Uncertainty. Eds. White, T, Jonas, M ORCID:, Nahorski, Z & Nilsson, S, Dordrecht: Springer. 10.1007/978-94-007-1670-4_10.


Hall, E.K., Maixner, F., Franklin, O. ORCID:, Daims, H., Richter, A. & Battin, T.J. (2011). Linking microbial and ecosystem ecology using ecological stoichiometry: A synthesis of conceptual and empirical approaches. Ecosystems 14 (2), 261-273. 10.1007/s10021-010-9408-4.

Harding, R., Best, M., Blyth, E., Hagemann, S., Kabat, P., Tallaksen, L.M., Warnaars, T., Wiberg, D., Weedon, G.P., van Lanen, H., Ludwig, F. & Haddeland, I. (2011). WATCH: Current knowledge of the terrestrial global water cycle. Journal of Hydrometeorology 12 (6), 1149-1156. 10.1175/JHM-D-11-024.1.

Havlik, P. ORCID:, Schneider, U.A., Schmid, E., Bottcher, H., Fritz, S. ORCID:, Skalsky, R. ORCID:, Aoki, K., De Cara, S., Kindermann, G. ORCID:, Kraxner, F., Leduc, S., McCallum, I. ORCID:, Mosnier, A., Sauer, T. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Global land-use implications of first and second generation biofuel targets. Energy Policy 39 (10), 5690-5702. 10.1016/j.enpol.2010.03.030.

Heumesser, C., Fritz, S. ORCID: & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Identifying benefits and challenges arising from the voluntary provision of GEOSS. In: 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment - The GEOSS Era: Towards Operational Environmental Monitoring, 10-15 April 2011, Sydney, NSW; Australia.

Hong, E. & Sun, L. (2011). Foreign direct investment and total factor productivity in China: A spatial dynamic panel analysis. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 73 (6), 771-791. 10.1111/j.1468-0084.2011.00672.x.

Huang, J., Abt, B., Kindermann, G. ORCID: & Ghosh, S. (2011). Empirical analysis of climate change impact on loblolly pine plantations in the southern United States. Natural Resource Modeling 24 (4), 445-476. 10.1111/j.1939-7445.2011.00098.x.

Hurtt, G.C., Chini, L.P., Frolking, S., Betts, R.A., Fischer, G., Hibbard, K., Houghton, R.A., Kindermann, G. ORCID: & Riahi, K. ORCID: (2011). Harmonization of land-use scenarios for the period 1500-2100: 600 years of global gridded annual land-use transitions, wood harvest, and resulting secondary lands. Climatic Change 109 (1), 117-161. 10.1007/s10584-011-0153-2.


IIASA (2011). ACRP - GHG-SEBA - Greenhouse gas reduction through second generation biofuels in Austria. Final Report submitted to Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH under Agreement No. A963628 (January 2011)


Jeffery, S., Verheijen, F.G.A., van der Velde, M. & Bastos, A.C. (2011). A quantitative review of the effects of biochar application to soils on crop productivity using meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 144 (1), 175-187. 10.1016/j.agee.2011.08.015.

Jonas, M, ORCID:, Marland, G., Winiwarter, W. ORCID:, White, T., Nahorski, Z., Bun, R. & Nilsson, S. (2011). Benefits of dealing with uncertainty in greenhouse gas inventories: Introduction. In: Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Dealing With Uncertainty. Eds. White, T, Jonas, M ORCID:, Nahorski, Z & Nilsson, S, Dordrecht: Springer. 10.1007/978-94-007-1670-4_2.

Jonas, M. ORCID:, Krey, V. ORCID:, Wagner, F. ORCID:, Marland, G. & Nahorski, Z. (2011). Providing a framework for moving to a low C world. Presented at [[11th Global Carbon Project Scientific Steering Committee Meeting]], 28-29 May 2011, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA (May 2011)

Jonas, M. ORCID:, Marland, G., Winiwarter, W. ORCID:, White, T., Nahorski, Z., Bun, R. & Nilsson, S. (2011). Lessons to be learned from uncertainty treatment: Conclusions regarding greenhouse gas inventories. In: Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Dealing With Uncertainty. Eds. White, T, Jonas, M ORCID:, Nahorski, Z & Nilsson, S, Dordrecht: Springer. 10.1007/978-94-007-1670-4_20.


Khabarov, N. ORCID: (2011). Value of Earth Observations: Forest fires, earthquakes, and landslides. DOI:10.2788/78532. In: Socio-Economic Benefits from the Use of Earth Observation: Report from the International Workshop, 11-13 July 2011.

Khabarov, N. ORCID:, Huggel, C., Obersteiner, M. ORCID: & Ramirez, J.M. (2011). Adaptation capacity of a landslide early warning system to climate change: Numerical modeling for the Combeima region in Colombia. Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management 1 (2) 10.5595/idrim.2011.0019.

Kraxner, F., Aoki, K., Leduc, S., Kindermann, G. ORCID:, Yang, J., Yamagata, Y., Tak, K. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). BECCS in South Korea - An analysis of negative emissions potential for bioenergy as a mitigation tool. DOI:10.3384/ecp11057676. In: World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden, 8-13 May 2011.

Kraxner, F., Fernholz, K. & Owari, T. (2011). Certified forest products markets, 2010-2011. In: UNECE/FAO Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2010-2011. Geneva: United Nations Publications. ISBN 978-92-1-117050-4

Kraxner, F., Leduc, S., Aoki, K., Fuss, S., Obersteiner, M. ORCID:, Schepaschenko, D. ORCID: & Shvidenko, A. (2011). Forest-based bioenergy in the Eurasian context. In: Boreal Forests in a Changing World: Challenges and Needs for Action. Proceedings of the international conference IBFRA, 15-21 August 2011.

Kraxner, F., Obersteiner, M. ORCID: & Shvidenko, A. (2011). Responsible global integrated forest management strategies. In: Proceedings, IUFRO/APFNet International Conference on Response of Forests and Adaptation Management to Climate Change, 8-10 August 2011.

Kuik, O. & Fuss, S. (2011). Renewables in the energy market: A financial-technological analysis considering risk and policy options. In: Financial Aspects in Energy: A European Perspective. Eds. Dorsman, A, Westerman, W, Karan, MB & Arslan, O, Heidelberg: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-642-19709-3_3.

Kyryzyuk, S., Ermolieva, T. & Ermoliev, Y. (2011). Planning sustainable agroproduction for food security under risks (Моделювання сталого агровиробництва в умовах зовнішніх викликів для забезпечення продовольчої безпеки). Economics of Agriculture (Економіка АПК) 9, 145-151.


Lesiv, M. ORCID:, Bun, A., Hamal, K. & Jonas, M. ORCID: (2011). Preparatory Signal Detection for the EU-27 Member States Under EU Burden Sharing - Advanced Monitoring Including Uncertainty (1990-2007). IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-11-005

Lindroos, O., Nilsson, B. & Sowlati, T. (2011). Costs, CO2 emissions, and energy balances of applying Nordic slash recovery methods in British Columbia. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 26 (1), 30-36.


Maeda, E.E., Wiberg, D. & Pellikka, P.K.E. (2011). Estimating reference evapotranspiration using remote sensing and empirical models in a region with limited ground data availability in Kenya. Applied Geography 31 (1), 251-258. 10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.05.011.

Moltchanova, E., Khabarov, N. ORCID:, Obersteiner, M. ORCID:, Ehrlich, D. & Moula, M. (2011). The value of rapid damage assessment for efficient earthquake response. Safety Science 49 (8), 1164-1171. 10.1016/j.ssci.2011.03.008.

Mukhortova, L., Schepaschenko, D. ORCID:, Shvidenko, A. & McCallum, I. ORCID: (2011). A system for heterotrophic soil respiration assessment of Russian land. In: Boreal Forests in a Changing World: Challenges and Needs for Action. Proceedings of the international conference IBFRA, 15-21 August 2011.


Napolitano, G., Serinaldi, F. & See, L. ORCID: (2011). Impact of EMD decomposition and random initialisation of weights in ANN hindcasting of daily stream flow series: An empirical examination. Journal of Hydrology 406 (3), 199-214. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.06.015.


Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Climate Change - Terrestrial adaptation and mitigation in Europe (CCTAME). Final Report to European Commission Research and Innovation DG, Brussels, Belgium (December 2011)

Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Value of information from GEOSS: The system's challenge. DOI:10.2788/78532. In: Socio-Economic Benefits from the Use of Earth Observation: Report from the international workshop, 11-13 July 2011.

Ogryczak, W. & Kozlowski, B. (2011). Reference point method with importance weighted ordered partial achievements. TOP 19 (2), 380-401. 10.1007/s11750-009-0121-4.


Pan, Y., Birdsey, R.A., Fang, J., Houghton, R., Kauppi, P.E., Kurz, W.A., Phillips, O.L., Shvidenko, A., Lewis, S.L., Canadell, J.G., Ciais, P., Jackson, R.B., Pacala, S.W., McGuire, A.D., Piao, S., Rautiainen, A., Sitch, S. & Hayes, D. (2011). A large and persistent carbon sink in the world's forests. Science 333 (6045), 988-993. 10.1126/science.1201609.

Pearlman, J., Craglia, M., Bertrand, F., Nativi, S., Gaigalas, G., Dubois, G., Niemeyer, S. & Fritz, S. ORCID: (2011). EuroGEOSS: An interdisciplinary approach to research and applications for forestry, biodiversity and drought. In: 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment - The GEOSS Era: Towards Operational Environmental Monitoring, 10-15 April 2011, Sydney, NSW; Australia.


Qiu, H., Huang, J., Keyzer, M., van Ween, W., Rozelle, S., Fischer, G. & Ermolieva, T. (2011). Biofuel development, food security and the use of marginal land in China. Journal of Environmental Quality 40 (4), 1058-1067. 10.2134/jeq2011.0012.

Quegan, S., Beer, C., Shvidenko, A., McCallum, I. ORCID:, Handoh, I.C., Peylin, P., Roedenbeck, C., Lucht, W. & Schmullius, C. (2011). Estimating the carbon balance of central Siberia using a landscape-ecosystem approach, atmospheric inversion and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. Global Change Biology 17 (1), 351-365. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02275.x.


Rametsteiner, E., Puelzl, H., Alkan-Olsson, J. & Frederiksen, P. (2011). Sustainability indicator development - Science or political negotiation? Ecological Indicators 11 (1), 61-70. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2009.06.009.

Rautiainen, A. (2011). Accounting for Forest Degradation in the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM). IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-11-036

Reuter, W.H., Fuss, S., Szolgayova, J. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Investment in wind power & pumped storage in a Real Options Model - A policy analysis. DOI:10.3384/ecp110572530. In: World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden, 8-13 May 2011.

Reuter, W.H., Szolgayova, J., Fuss, S. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). Renewable energy investment: Policy and market impacts. In: Energy Solutions for a Sustainable World - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2011), 16-18 May 2011.

Riahi, K. ORCID:, Rao, S., Krey, V. ORCID:, Cho, C., Chirkov, V., Fischer, G., Kindermann, G. ORCID:, Nakicenovic, N. ORCID: & Rafaj, P. ORCID: (2011). RCP 8.5 - A scenario of comparatively high greenhouse gas emissions. Climatic Change 109 (1), 33-57. 10.1007/s10584-011-0149-y.

Robinson, T.P., Thornton, P.K., Franceschini, G., Kruska, R.L., Chiozza, F., Notenbaert, A., Cecchi, G., Herrero, M., Epprecht, M., Fritz, S. ORCID:, You, L., Conchedda, G. & See, L. ORCID: (2011). Global Livestock Production Systems. Rome: FAO and ILRI. ISBN 978-92-5-107033-8


Santoro, M., Beer, C., Cartus, O., Schmullius, C., Shvidenko, A., McCallum, I. ORCID:, Wegmueller, U. & Wiesmann, A. (2011). Retrieval of growing stock volume in boreal forest using hyper-temporal series of Envisat ASAR ScanSAR backscatter measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2), 490-507. 10.1016/j.rse.2010.09.018.

Schepaschenko, D. ORCID:, Fritz, S. ORCID:, McCallum, I. ORCID:, Perger, C., Schill, C., Shvidenko, A., Kraxner, F. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). A platform to visualize, analyze and improve Biomass datasets: In: CarboForest Conference, 21-23 September 2011.

Schepaschenko, D. ORCID:, McCallum, I. ORCID:, Shvidenko, A., Fritz, S. ORCID: & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2011). A new hybrid land cover dataset for Russia: A methodology for integrating statistics, remote sensing and in situ information. Land Use Science 6 (4), 245-259. 10.1080/1747423X.2010.511681.

Schepaschenko, D. ORCID:, Shvidenko, A. & Mukhortova, L. (2011). Organic carbon in Russian soils: A specified spatially explicit assessment. [[Geophysical Research Abstracts]]; 13:EGU2011-11524 (April 2011)

Schepaschenko, D.G. ORCID:, Shvidenko, A.Z., Mukhortova, L.V. & Schepaschenko, M.V. (2011). Soil in the accounting of biospheric role of Russian ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Devoted to 165-years Anniversary of V.V. Dokuchaev, 1-4 March 2011.

Schleupner, C., Schneider, U.A., Jantke, K. & Havlik, P. ORCID: (2011). Costs and benefits of spatial data accuracy on comprehensive conservation planning assessments - A conceptual approach. In: 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment - The GEOSS Era: Towards Operational Environmental Monitoring, 10-15 April 2011, Sydney, NSW; Australia.

Schmidt, J., Leduc, S., Dotzauer, E. & Schmid, E. (2011). Cost-effective policy instruments for greenhouse gas emission reduction and fossil fuel substitution through bioenergy production in Austria. Final Report, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria

Schmidt, J., Leduc, S., Dotzauer, E. & Schmid, E. (2011). Cost-effective policy instruments for greenhouse gas emission reduction and fossil fuel substitution through bioenergy production in Austria. Energy Policy 39 (6), 3261-3280. 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.03.018.

Schmullius, C., Thiel, C., Bartalev, S., Emelyanov, K., Korets, M., Shvidenko, A., Skudin, V. & Vashchouk, L. (2011). Assessment and monitoring of forest resources in the framework of the EU-Russian space dialogue - The ZAPAS project. In: Boreal Forests in a Changing World: Challenges and Needs for Action. Proceedings of the international conference IBFRA, 15-21 August 2011.

Schneider, U.A., Havlik, P. ORCID:, Schmid, E., Valin, H. ORCID:, Mosnier, A., Obersteiner, M. ORCID:, Bottcher, H., Skalsky, R. ORCID:, Balkovič, J. ORCID:, Sauer, T. & Fritz, S. ORCID: (2011). Impacts of population growth, economic development, and technical change on global food production and consumption. Agricultural Systems 104 (2), 204-215. 10.1016/j.agsy.2010.11.003.

Shchepashchenko, D. ORCID:, Mukhortova, L., Shvidenko, A. & McCallum, I. ORCID: (2011). Heterotrophic soil respiration in Russia. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract GC41C-0821 (December 2011)

Shvidenko, A. (2011). Changing world, boreal forests and IBFRA. In: Boreal Forests in a Changing World: Challenges and Needs for Action. Proceedings of the international conference IBFRA, 15-21 August 2011.

Shvidenko, A., Klimont, Z. ORCID:, Kupiainen, K., Rao, S. & Schepaschenko, D. ORCID: (2011). The effects of climate change and abatement policies on the value of natural resources in Northern Europe and in the Arctic Sea area. Prime MInister's Office , Helsinki, Finland.

Shvidenko, A., Kraxner, F., Obersteiner, M. ORCID: & Schepaschenko, D. ORCID: (2011). Adaptation and mitigation strategies in Northern Eurasian boreal forests. In: Proceedings, IUFRO/APFNet International Conference on Response of Forests and Adaptation Management to Climate Change, 8-10 August 2011.

Shvidenko, A. & Schepaschenko, D. ORCID: (2011). Carbon budget of circumpolar boreal forests: An attempt of synthesis. In: Carbon Pools and Fluxes in Boreal Forest and Wetland. Proceedings of the international conference, 26-30 September 2011.

Shvidenko, A., Schepaschenko, D. ORCID:, Bottcher, H., Gusti, M., Kraxner, F., Obersteiner, M. ORCID: & Leduc, S. (2011). The Role of ECA's Forest Resources in Climate Change Mitigation. Final Report submitted to The World Bank on Contract #7158909 (September 2011)

Shvidenko, A., Schepaschenko, D. ORCID: & McCallum, I. ORCID: (2011). Productivity of Russian forests during recent decades (1960-2010s). [[Geophysical Research Abstracts]]; 12:EGU2011-11686 (April 2011)

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