Items where Research Program is "Forestry (FOR)" and Year is 2004

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Number of items: 52.


Balzter, H., George, C.T., Rowland, C.S., Gerard, F., McCallum, I. ORCID:, Shvidenko, A. & Schmullius, C. (2004). Forest fires in Central Siberia and their impact on emissions of greenhouse gases. In: Proceedings of the RSPSoc Annual Conference, 2004.

Bartsch, A., Kidd, R., Pathe, C., Shvidenko, A. & Wagner, W. (2004). Identification of wetlands in Central Siberia by ENVISAT ASAR data. In: Proceedings of ENVIROMIS 2004 - INTAS Strategic Workshop.

Benitez, P.C., McCallum, I. ORCID:, Obersteiner, M. ORCID: & Yamagata, Y. (2004). Global Supply for Carbon Sequestration: Identifying Least-Cost Afforestation Sites Under Country Risk Consideration. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-022

Bull, G.Q. & Nilsson, S. (2004). An assessment of China's forest resources. International Forestry Review 6 (3), 210-220. 10.1505/ifor.


Carlsson, L. & Laszdinis, M. (2004). Institutional frameworks for sustainability? A comparative analysis of the forest sectors of Russia and the Baltic States. Ambio 33 (6), 366-370. 10.1579/0044-7447-33.6.366.

Cesar, H., Linden, O. & Walker, R. (2004). Inventory of Research on the Impacts of Climate Change. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-018

Chapin III, F.S., Peterson, G., Berkes, F., Callaghan, T.V., Angelstam, P., Apps, M.J., Beier, C., Bergeron, Y., Crepin, A.-S., Danell, K., Elmqvist, T., Folke, C., Forbes, B.C., Fresco, N., Juday, G., Niemelae, J., Shvidenko, A. & Whiteman, G. (2004). Resilience and vulnerability of northern regions to social and environmental change. Ambio 33 (6), 344-349. 10.1579/0044-7447-33.6.344.

Chladna, Z., Chladny, M., Moellersten, K. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2004). Investment under Multiple Uncertainties: The Case of Future Pulp and Paper Mills. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-077

Ciais, P., Janssens, I.A., Shvidenko, A., Wirth, C., Malhi, Y., Grace, J., Schulze, E.-D., Heimann, M., Phillips, O. & Dolman, H. (2004). The potential for rising CO2 to account for the observed uptake of carbon by tropical, temperate, and Boreal forest biomes. In: The Carbon Balance of Forest Biomes. Eds. Griffiths, H. & Jarvis, P.J., pp. 109-150 Garland Science/BIOS Scientific Publishers.

Crespo Cuaresma, J., Hlouskova, J., Kossmeier, S. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2004). Forecasting electricity spot-prices using linear univariate time-series models. Applied Energy 77 (1), 87-106. 10.1016/S0306-2619(03)00096-5.


Efremov, D. & Shvidenko, A.Z. (2004). Long-term ecological consequences of catastrophic forest fires in forests of the Far East and their contribution to global processes. In: Forest Fire Management at the Ecoregional Level. Eds. Furjaev, V.V., Moscow: World Bank. ISBN 5-9618-0007-5

Ermolieva, T. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2004). Abrupt climate change: Lessons from integrated catastrophic risks management. World Resource Review 16 (1), 57-82.


Forbes, B.C., Fresco, N., Shvidenko, A., Danell, K. & Chapin III, F.S. (2004). Geographic variations in anthropogenic drivers that influence the vulnerability and resilience of social-ecological systems. Ambio 33 (6), 377-382. 10.1579/0044-7447-33.6.377.


Gordov, E.P., Kollen, E., Kabanov, M.V., Le Treut, H., Lykosov, V.N., Mokhov, I.I., Roeckner, E., Shvidenko, A., Vaganov, E.A. & Zilitinkevich, S.S. (2004). Northern Eurasia climatic hot spots. In: Proceedings of ENVIROMIS 2004 - INTAS Strategic Workshop.


Jonas, M. ORCID: & Nilsson, S. (2004). Prior to an economic treatment of emissions and their uncertainties under the Kyoto Protocol: Scientific uncertainties that must be kept in mind. In: International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Verification, Compliance & Trading. Workshop Proceedings.

Jonas, M. ORCID:, Nilsson, S., Bun, R., Dachuk, V., Gusti, M., Horabik, J., Jeda, W. & Nahorski, Z. (2004). Preparatory Signal Detection for Annex I Countries under the Kyoto Protocol - A Lesson for the Post-Kyoto Policy Process. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-024

Jonas, M. ORCID:, Nilsson, S., Bun, R., Dachuk, V., Gusti, M., Horabik, J., Jeda, W. & Nahorski, Z. (2004). Preparatory Signal Detection for the EU Member States under EU Burden Sharing - Advanced Monitoring Including Uncertainty. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-029

Jonas, M. ORCID:, Nilsson, S., Bun, R., Dachuk, V., Gusti, M., Horabik, J., Jeda, W. & Nahorski, Z. (2004). Preparatory Signal Detection for the EU Member States under EU Burden Sharing - Advanced Monitoring Including Uncertainty (1990-2002). IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-046


Kolesov, A. (2004). Assessment of Energy-Related Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Russia. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-033


Lazdinis, M., Carver, A., Carlsson, L., Tonisson, K. & Vilkriste, L. (2004). Forest policy networks in changing political systems: Case study of the Baltic States. Journal of Baltic Studies 35 (4), 402-419. 10.1080/01629770400000181.

Lieberman, D., Jonas, M. ORCID:, Nilsson, S., Winiwarter, W. ORCID: & Nahorski, Z. (2004). Workshop Summary. International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Verification, Compliance, and Trading, 24-25 September, Warsaw, Poland [2004]

Linden, O., Jerneloev, A. & Egerup, J. (2004). The Environmental Impacts of the Gulf War 1991. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-019

Lundmark, R. (2004). Welfare and the case of recent mergers in the iron ore industry. Minerals & Energy : Raw Materials Report 10.1080/14041040310019435.

Lundmark, R. & Soederholm, P. (2004). Estimating and decomposing the rate of technical change in the Swedish pulp and paper industry: A general index approach. International Journal of Production Economics 91 (1), 17-35. 10.1016/S0925-5273(03)00203-2.


Moellersten, K., Gao, L., Yan, J. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2004). Efficient energy systems with CO2 capture and storage from renewable biomass in pulp and paper mills. Renewable Energy 29 (9), 1583-1598. 10.1016/j.renene.2004.01.003.

Moellersten, K. & Sandberg, P. (2004). Collaborative energy partnerships in relation to development of core business focus and competence - A study of Swedish pulp and paper companies and energy service companies. Business Strategy and the Environment 13 (2), 78-95. 10.1002/bse.396.


Nahorski, Z., Horabik, J. & Jonas, M. ORCID: (2004). Greenhouse gas emission uncertainty in compliance proving and emission trading. In: International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Verification, Compliance & Trading. Workshop Proceedings.

Nilsson, S. (2004). Economic Growth, Risk Management and Extreme Climate Events. Final Report submitted to Austrian National Bank Jubilee Fund, Vienna, Austria [2004]

Nilsson, S. (2004). Integrated Sink Enhancement Assessment (INSEA). Annual Activity Report on the 6th Framework funded project INSEA. Submitted to the European Commission, DG Research, Brussels, Belgium [2004]

Nilsson, S. (2004). Shared Responsibility - Sweden's Policy for Forest Sector Development. Mock Government Bill 2004:1500 submitted to Swedish Parliament [2004]

Nilsson, S. (2004). Signposts for Tomorrow's Pulp and Paper Industry. Keynote address presented at the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) Annual Meeting, 2 December 2004, Brussels, Belgium, 30 pp [2004]

Nilsson, S. (2004). Svensk skogsnaering har gaett vilse (The Swedish Forestry Has Lost Its Way). Skogseko, 4-5.

Nilsson, S., Bull, G.Q., White, A. & Xu, J. (2004). China's forest sector markets: Policy issues and recommendations. International Forestry Review 6 (3), 299-305. 10.1505/ifor.

Nilsson, S., Shvidenko, A. & Jonas, M. ORCID: (2004). Uncertainties of the regional terrestrial biota full carbon account: A systems analysis. Plenary talk. In: International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Verification, Compliance & Trading. Workshop Proceedings.


Olsson, M.-O. (2004). Barriers to Change? Understanding the Institutional Hurdles in the Russian Forest Sector. Licentiate Thesis, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, 210pp [2004]

Olsson, M.-O. (2004). Institutional Change in the Russian Forest Sector: Stakeholder Participation in Forest Policy Formulation in Murmansk, Karelia and Arkhangelsk. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-030


Schlamadinger, B. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2004). Landnutzungsprojekte im Rahmen der "flexiblen Mechanismen" des Kyoto-Protokolls. Energy -- Die Zeitschrift der Energieverwertungsagentur 3, 13-15.

Schmullius, C., Nilsson, S., Quegan, S., Shvidenko, A., Le Toan, T. & Vaganov, E.A. (2004). SIBERIA-II: Towards a certified regional full greenhouse gas account. In: Proceedings of ENVIROMIS 2004 - INTAS Strategic Workshop.

Schmullius, C., Nilsson, S., Quegan, S., Shvidenko, A. & Vaganov, E.A. (2004). Boreas machine: Current state and future trajectories of northern Eurasia in the changing world. In: Proceedings of ENVIROMIS 2004 - INTAS Strategic Workshop.

Seidl, R. (2004). Response of European Mountain Forests to Abrupt Climate Change. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-055

Shvidenko, A. (2004). Carbon in Forests. Multilingual Glossary of Carbon-related Forest Terminology, compiled by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

Shvidenko, A., Nilsson, S. & Obersteiner, M. ORCID: (2004). Wood for bioenergy in Russia: Potential and reality. In: Wood Energy in the Industrialized World. Proceedings of the International BIOCLIMECO Workshop.

Shvidenko, A., Shchepashchenko, D.G. ORCID:, Nilsson, S. & Bouloui, Y. (2004). The system of growth and productivity models of Russian forests. Forestry and Forest Management, 40-44.

Stolbovoi, V. (2004). Biogeochemical cycles of biophillic elements - A fundamental problem of modern soil science. In: Proceedings of International Forum "Sustain Planet Earth".

Stolbovoi, V., Nilsson, S. & Rokityanskiy, D. (2004). Spatially explicit model to inventory biospheric greenhouse gases for northern Eurasia. In: "Soils - National Heritage".

Stolbovoi, V., Nilsson, S., Shvidenko, A.Z. & McCallum, I. ORCID: (2004). Aggregated estimation of basic parameters of biological production and carbon budget of Russian terrestrial ecosystems: 3. Biogeochemical carbon fluxes. Russian Journal of Ecology 35 (3), 150-155. 10.1023/B:RUSE.0000025964.54981.c7.


Uddin, N. (2004). Techno-Economic Assessment of a Biomass-Based Cogeneration Plant with CO2 Capture and Storage. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-04-034


Wignall, J.B. (2004). Evaluating Russian Forestry Sector: Market Orientation and Its Characteristics. Masters Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 80 pp [December 2004]

Willmore, L. (2004). Basic education as a human right. Economic Affairs 24 (4), 17-21. 10.1111/j.1468-0270.2004.00509.x.

Willmore, L. (2004). Health, hopelessness, and social norms. In: Policy Pathways to Health in the Russian Federation.

Willmore, L. (2004). Universal Pensions in Low Income Countries. Discussion Paper IPD-01-05, posted at Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Pensions and Social Insurance Section (October 2004)


Yefremov, D.S. & Shvidenko, A. (2004). Long-term environmental impact of catastrophic forest fires in Russia's far east and their contribution to global processes. In: Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Fire Protection.

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