Items where IIASA Author is "Enberg, Katja"
Mollet, F., Enberg, K., Boukal, D.S., Rijnsdorp, A.D. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
An evolutionary explanation of female‐biased sexual size dimorphism in North Sea plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L.
Ecology and Evolution 13 (1), e8070. 10.1002/ece3.8070.
Boukal, D.S., Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Enberg, K., Heino, M.
ORCID: & Jorgensen, C.
Life-history implications of the allometric scaling of growth.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 359, 199-207. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.05.022.
Laugen, A.T., Engelhard, G.H., Whitlock, R., Arlinghaus, R., Dankel, D.J., Dunlop, E.S., Eikeset, A.M., Enberg, K., Jørgensen, C., Matsumura, S., Nusslé, S., Urbach, D., Baulier, L., Boukal, D.S., Ernande, B., Johnston, F.D., Mollet, F., Pardoe, H., Therkildsen, N.O., Uusi-Heikkilä, S. et al. (2014). Evolutionary impact assessment: accounting for evolutionary consequences of fishing in an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries 15 (1), 65-96. 10.1111/faf.12007.
Heino, M. ORCID:, Baulier, L., Boukal, D.S., Ernande, B., Johnston, F.D., Mollet, F.M., Arlinghaus, R., Dankel, D.J., Dunlop, E.S., Eikeset, A.M., Enberg, K., Engelhard, G.H., Joergensen, C., Laugen, A.T., Matsumura, S., Urbach, D., Whitlock, R., Rijnsdorp, A.D. & Dieckmann, U.
Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management?
ICES Journal of Marine Science 70 (4), 707-721. 10.1093/icesjms/fst077.
Enberg, K., Jorgensen, C., Dunlop, E.S., Varpe, O., Boukal, D.S., Baulier, L., Eliassen, S. & Heino, M. ORCID:
Fishing-induced evolution of growth: Concepts, mechanisms and the empirical evidence.
Marine Eology 33 (1), 1-25. 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2011.00460.x.
Myrseth, J., Enberg, K., Heino, M. ORCID: & Fiksen, O.
Do accurate stock estimates increase harvest and reduce variability in fisheries yields?
Natural Resource Modeling 24 (2), 222-241. 10.1111/j.1939-7445.2011.00089.x.
Enberg, K., Joergensen, C., Dunlop, E.S., Heino, M. ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
Implications of fisheries-induced evolution for stock rebuilding and recovery.
Evolutionary Applications 2 (3), 394-414. 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2009.00077.x.
Dunlop, E.S., Enberg, K., Joergensen, C. & Heino, M. ORCID:
Toward Darwinian fisheries management (Editorial).
Evolutionary Applications 2 (3), 245-259. 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2009.00087.x.
Heino, M. ORCID:, Baulier, L., Boukal, D.S., Dunlop, E.S., Eliassen, S., Enberg, K., Joergensen, C. & Varpe, O.
Evolution of growth in Gulf of St Lawrence cod?
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1639), 1111-1112. 10.1098/rspb.2007.1429.
Joergensen, C., Enberg, K., Dunlop, E.S., Arlinghaus, R., Boukal, D.S., Brander, K., Ernande, B., Gardmark, A., Johnston, F.D., Matsumura, S., Pardoe, H., Raab, K., Silva, A., Vainikka, A., Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Heino, M.
ORCID: & Rijnsdorp, A.D.
The Role of Fisheries-Induced Evolution - Response (in "Letters").
Science 320 (5872), 47-50. 10.1126/science.320.5872.47b.
Joergensen, C., Enberg, K., Dunlop, E.S., Arlinghaus, R., Boukal, D.S., Brander, K., Ernande, B., Gardmark, A., Johnson, F., Matsumura, S., Pardoe, H., Raab, K., Silva, A., Vainikka, A., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Rijnsdorp, A.D.
Ecology: Managing evolving fish stocks.
Science 318 (5854), 1247-1248. 10.1126/science.1148089.
Enberg, K., Fowler, M.S. & Ranta, E. (2006). The impacts of different management strategies and environmental forcing in ecological communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1600), 2491-2499. 10.1098/rspb.2006.3611.
Boukal, D.S., Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Enberg, K., Heino, M.
ORCID: & Jorgensen, C.
Life-history implications of the allometric scaling of growth.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-022
Laugen, A.T., Engelhard, G.H., Whitlock, R. ORCID:, Arlinghaus, R., Dankel, D., Dunlop, E., Eikeset, A.M., Enberg, K., Jørgensen, C., Matsumura, S., Nusslé, S., Urbach, D., Baulier, L., Ernande, B., Johnston, F.D., Mollet, F., Pardoe, H., Therkildsen, N.O., Uusi-Heikkilä, S., Vainikka, A. et al.
Evolutionary impact assessment: accounting for evolutionary consequences of fishing in an ecosystem approach to fisheries management.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-12-046
Enberg, K., Jorgensen, C. & Dunlop, E. (2009). Implications of fisheries-induced evolution for stock rebuilding and recovery. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-09-086
Dunlop, E.S., Enberg, K., Jorgensen, C. & Heino, M. ORCID:
Toward Darwinian fisheries management.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-09-073
Arlinghaus, R., Boukal, D.S., Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Dunlop, E.S., Enberg, K., Ernande, B., Gardmark, A., Heino, M.
ORCID:, Johnston, F.D., Joergensen, C., Matsumura, S., Pardoe, H., Raab, K., Rijnsdorp, A.D. & Silva, A.
2007 Report of the ICES Study Group on Fisheries-Induced Adaptive Change (SGFIAC).
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-058
Heino, M. ORCID:, Baulier, L., Boukal, D.S., Dunlop, E.S., Eliassen, S., Enberg, K., Joergensen, C. & Varpe, O.
Evolution of Growth in Gulf of St. Lawrence Cod?
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-044
Joergensen, C., Enberg, K., Dunlop, E.S., Arlinghaus, R., Boukal, D.S., Brander, K., Ernande, B., Gardmark, A., Johnson, F., Matsumura, S., Pardoe, H., Raab, K., Silva, A., Vainikka, A., Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Heino, M.
ORCID: & Rijnsdorp, A.D.
Managing Evolving Fish Stocks.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-057
Enberg, K. & Heino, M. ORCID:
Fisheries-induced Life History Changes in Herring (Clupea harengus).
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-07-045
Enberg, K., Fowler, M.S. & Ranta, E. (2006). The Impacts of Different Management Strategies and Environmental Forcing in Ecological Communities. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-06-035
Conference or Workshop Item
Enberg, K. & Heino, M. ORCID:
Fisheries-induced life history changes in herring (Clupea harengus).
In: ICES CM Documents 2007 - ICES Annual Science Conference, 17-21 September 2007.
Enberg, K., Dunlop, E.S., Heino, M. ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
Ecological and evolutionary recovery of exploited fish stocks.
In: ICES CM Documents 2006 - ICES Annual Science Conference, 19-23 September 2006.