Items where IIASA Author is "Brännström, Åke"
Peichel, C.L., Bolnick, D.I., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Safran, R.J.
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, a041735. 10.1101/cshperspect.a041735.
Roy, S., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Ecological determinants of Cope’s rule and its inverse.
Communications Biology 7 (1), e38. 10.1038/s42003-023-05375-z.
Stefaniak, E. ORCID:, Joshi, J., Zhang, L., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
LIBPSPM: A feature-rich numerical package for solving physiologically structured population models.
In: 13th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB24), 22-26 July, 2024, Toledo, Spain.
Joshi, J., Hofhansl, F. ORCID:, Singh, S., Stocker, B., Vignal, T., Brännström, Å., Franklin, O.
ORCID:, Blanco, C., Aleixo, I., Lapola, D., Prentice, I. & Dieckmann, U.
Predicting the adaptive responses of biodiverse plant communities using functional trait evolution.
In: Ecological Society of American 2023 Annual Meeting, 6-11 August 2023, Portland.
Joshi, J., Zhang, L., Stefaniak, E. ORCID:, Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
libpspm: A feature-rich numerical package for solving physiologically structured population models.
bioRxiv 10.1101/2023.08.04.551683.
Joshi, J., Hofhansl, F. ORCID:, Singh, S., Stocker, B., Brännström, Å., Franklin, O.
ORCID:, Blanco, C.C., Aleixo, I., Lapola, D.M., Prentice, I.C. & Dieckmann, U.
Competition for light can drive adverse species-composition shifts in the Amazon Forest under elevated CO2.
BioRxiv 10.1101/2023.07.03.547575.
Andersson, B.A., Zhao, W., Haller, B.C., Brännström, Å. & Wang, X.‐R. (2023). Inference of the distribution of fitness effects of mutations is affected by single nucleotide polymorphism filtering methods, sample size and population structure. Molecular Ecology Resources 23, 1589-1603. 10.1111/1755-0998.13825.
Joshi, J., Hofhansl, F. ORCID:, Singh, S., Stocker, B., Brännström, Å., Vignal, T., Casagrande Blanco, C., Aleixo, I., Lapola, D., Prentice, I.C. & Dieckmann, U.
Roles of diversity and adaptation in the eco-evolutionary responses of biodiverse plant communities to climate change.
In: EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna.
Isaksson, H., Brännström, Å. & Libby, E. (2023). Minor variations in multicellular life cycles have major effects on adaptation. PLoS Computational Biology 19 (4), e1010698. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010698.
Aye, T.N., Brännström, Å. & Carlsson, L. (2022). Prediction of Tree Sapwood and Heartwood Profiles Using Pipe Model and Branch Thinning Theory. Tree Physiology 42 (11), 2174-2185. 10.1093/treephys/tpac065.
Żebrowski, P. ORCID:, Dieckmann, U.
ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Franklin, O.
ORCID: & Rovenskaya, E.
Sharing the Burdens of Climate Mitigation and Adaptation: Incorporating Fairness Perspectives into Policy Optimization Models.
Sustainability 14 (7), e3737. 10.3390/su14073737.
Brännström, Å., Sjödin, H. & Rocklöv, J. (2022). A Method for Estimating the Number of Infections From the Reported Number of Deaths. Frontiers in Public Health 9, e648545. 10.3389/fpubh.2021.648545.
Harrison, S.P., Cramer, W., Franklin, O. ORCID:, Prentice, I.C., Wang, H., Brännström, Å., de Boer, H., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID:, Joshi, J., Keenan, T.F., Lavergne, A., Manzoni, S., Mengoli, G., Morfopoulos, C., Peñuelas, J., Pietsch, S.
ORCID:, Rebel, K.T., Ryu, Y., Smith, N.G., Stocker, B.D. et al.
Eco‐evolutionary optimality as a means to improve vegetation and land‐surface models.
New Phytologist 231 (6), 2125-2141. 10.1111/nph.17558.
Hofhansl, F. ORCID:, Chacón-Madrigal, E., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Franklin, O.
Mechanisms driving plant functional trait variation in a tropical forest.
Ecology and Evolution 11, 3856- 3870. 10.1002/ece3.7256.
Joshi, J., Stocker, B., Hofhansl, F. ORCID:, Zhou, S., Brännström, Å., Prentice, I. & Dieckmann, U.
Predicting eco-evolutionary adaptations of plants to drought and rainfall variability.
In: EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30 April 2021.
Fransson, P., Brännström, Å. & Franklin, O. ORCID:
A tree’s quest for light—Optimal height and diameter growth under a shading canopy.
Tree Physiology 41 (1), 1-11. 10.1093/treephys/tpaa110.
Colon, C. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
Fragmentation of production amplifies systemic risks from extreme events in supply-chain networks.
PLoS ONE 15 (12), e0244196. 10.1371/journal.pone.0244196.
Wickman, J., Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Hui, C. & Brännström, Å.
How geographic productivity patterns affect food-web evolution.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 507, e110374. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110374.
Sjödin, H., Johansson, A.F., Brännström, Å., Farooq, Z., Kriit, H.K., Wilder-Smith, A., Åström, C., Thunberg, J., Söderquist, M. & Rocklöv, J. (2020). COVID-19 healthcare demand and mortality in Sweden in response to non-pharmaceutical mitigation and suppression scenarios. International Journal of Epidemiology 10.1093/ije/dyaa121.
Franklin, O. ORCID:, Harrison, S.P., Dewar, R., Farrior, C.E., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID:, Pietsch, S.
ORCID:, Falster, S., Cramer, W., Loreau, M., Wang, H., Mäkelä, A., Rebel, K.T., Meron, E., Schymanski, S.J., Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID:, Stocker, B.D., Zaehle, S., Manzoni, S., van Oijen, My et al.
Organizing principles for vegetation dynamics.
Nature Plants 6, 444-453. 10.1038/s41477-020-0655-x.
Brännström, Å., Sjödin, H. & Rocklöv, J. (2020). Predicting the number of COVID-19 cases from the reported number of deaths. (Preprint)
Joshi, J., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Emergence of social inequality in the spatial harvesting of renewable public goods.
PLoS Computational Biology 16 (1), 1-25. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007483.
Fransson, P., Franklin, O. ORCID:, Lindroos, O., Nilsson, U. & Brännström, Å.
A simulation-based approach to a near-optimal thinning strategy: allowing harvesting times to be determined for individual trees.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 320-331. 10.1139/cjfr-2019-0053.
Hofhansl, F. ORCID:, Chacon-Madrigal, E., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Franklin, O.
Partitioning of plant functional trait variation into phenotypic plasticity and neutral components reveals functional differences among neotropical tree species.
In: AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco, USA.
Hochrainer-Stigler, S. ORCID:, Colon, C.
ORCID:, Boza, G.
ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Pflug, G.
ORCID:, Poledna, S., Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
Measuring, modeling, and managing systemic risk: the missing aspect of human agency.
Journal of Risk Research, 1-17. 10.1080/13669877.2019.1646312.
Wickman, J., Diehl, S. & Brännström, Å. (2019). Evolution of resource specialisation in competitive metacommunities. Ecology Letters 22 (11), 1746-1756. 10.1111/ele.13338.
Zhang, L., Thibert‐Plante, X., Ripa, J., Svanbäck, R. & Brännström, Å. (2019). Biodiversity loss through speciation collapse: Mechanisms, warning signals, and possible rescue. Evolution 73 (8), 1504-1516. 10.1111/evo.13736.
Liu-Helmersson, J., Brännström, Å., Sewe, M.O., Semenza, J.C. & Rocklöv, J. (2019). Estimating Past, Present, and Future Trends in the Global Distribution and Abundance of the Arbovirus Vector Aedes aegypti Under Climate Change Scenarios. Frontiers in Public Health 7 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00148.
Liu-Helmersson, J., Rocklöv, J., Sewe, M. & Brännström, Å. (2019). Climate change may enable Aedes aegypti infestation in major European cities by 2100. Environmental Research 172, 693-699. 10.1016/j.envres.2019.02.026.
Hofhansl, F. ORCID:, Chacón-Madrigal, E., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Franklin, O.
The role of phenotypic plasticity for plant functional traits in tropical forests.
In: European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, 7–12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria.
Lundström, N., Loeuille, N., Meng, X., Bodin, M. & Brännström, Å. (2019). Meeting Yield and Conservation Objectives by Harvesting Both Juveniles and Adults. The American Naturalist 193 (3), 373-390. 10.1086/701631.
Fransson, P., Nilsson, U., Lindroos, O., Franklin, O. ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
Model-based investigation on the effects of spatial evenness, and size selection in thinning of Picea abies stands.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 34 (3), 189-199. 10.1080/02827581.2019.1577914.
Chen, X., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Parent-preferred dispersal promotes cooperation in structured populations.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1895), e20181949. 10.1098/rspb.2018.1949.
Hochrainer-Stigler, S. ORCID:, Pflug, G.
ORCID:, Dieckmann, U.
ORCID:, Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID:, Thurner, S., Poledna, S., Boza, G.
ORCID:, Linnerooth-Bayer, J. & Brännström, Å.
Integrating Systemic Risk and Risk Analysis Using Copulas.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 9 (4), 561-567. 10.1007/s13753-018-0198-1.
Coder Gylling, K. & Brännström, Å. (2018). Effects of Relatedness on the Evolution of Cooperation in Nonlinear Public Goods Games. Games and Economic Behavior 9 (4), e87. 10.3390/g9040087.
Rani, R., Abramowicz, K., Falster, D., Sterck, F. & Brännström, Å. (2018). Effects of bud-flushing strategies on tree growth. Tree Physiology 38 (9), 1384-1393. 10.1093/treephys/tpy005.
Lindh, M., Falster, D.S., Zhang, L., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
Latitudinal effects on crown shape evolution.
Ecology and Evolution 8 (16), 8149-8158. 10.1002/ece3.4275.
Landi, P., Minoarivelo, H.O., Brännström, Å., Hui, C. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Complexity and stability of ecological networks: a review of the theory.
Population Ecology 60 (4), 319-345. 10.1007/s10144-018-0628-3.
Hellström, L., Carlsson, L., Falster, D.S., Westoby, M. & Brännström, Å. (2018). Branch Thinning and the Large-Scale, Self-Similar Structure of Trees. The American Naturalist, E000-E000. 10.1086/697429.
Brush, E., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Indirect Reciprocity With Negative Assortment and Limited Information Can Promote Cooperation.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 443, 56-65. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.01.005.
Johansson, J., Brännström, Å., Metz, J. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Twelve fundamental life histories evolving through allocation-dependent fecundity and survival.
Ecology and Evolution 8 (6), 3172-3186. 10.1002/ece3.3730.
Landi, P., Minoarivelo, H.O, Brännström, Å., Hui, C. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Chapter 12. Complexity and Stability of Adaptive Ecological Networks: A Survey of the Theory in Community Ecology.
Systems Analysis Approach for Complex Global Challenges.
Eds. Mensah, P., Katerere, D., Hachigonta, S. & Roodt, A.,
pp. 209-248 Heidelberg: Springer.
ISBN 978-3-319-71485-1 10.1007/978-3-319-71486-8_12.
Pontarp, M., Brännström, Å. & Petchey, O. (2018). Inferring community assembly processes from macroscopic patterns using dynamic eco-evolutionary models and Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (4), 450-460. 10.1111/2041-210X.13129.
Lundstrom, N.L., Zhang, H. & Brännström, Å. (2017). Pareto-efficient biological pest control enable high efficacy at small costs. Ecological Modelling 364, 89-97. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.08.015.
Zhang, L., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
On the performance of four methods for the numerical solution of ecologically realistic size-structured population models.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (8), 948-956. 10.1111/2041-210X.12741.
Franklin, O. ORCID:, Han, W., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID:, Cramer, W., Brännström, Å., Pietsch, S.
ORCID:, Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID:, Prentice, I.C. & Brännström, Å.
Using natural selection and optimization for smarter vegetation models - challenges and opportunities.
In: European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017, 23–28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Wickman, J., Diehl, S., Blasius, B., Klausmeier, C., Ryabov, A. & Brännström, Å. (2017). Determining selection across heterogeneous landscapes: a perturbation-based method and its application to modeling evolution in space. American Naturalist 189 (4), 381-395. 10.1086/690908.
Falster, D., Brännström, Å., Westoby, M. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Multitrait successional forest dynamics enable diverse competitive coexistence.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (13), 2719-2728. 10.1073/pnas.1610206114.
Gephart, J.A., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Dieckmann, U.
ORCID:, Pace, M.L. & Brännström, Å.
Vulnerability to Shocks in the Global Seafood Trade Network.
In: IIASA Institutional Evaluation 2017, 27 February-1 March 2017, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Colon, C. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
The fragmentation of production amplifies systemic risk in supply chains.
In: IIASA Institutional Evaluation 2017, 27 February-1 March 2017, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Parvinen, K. ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
Evolution of site-selection stabilizes population dynamics, promotes even distribution of individuals, and occasionally causes evolutionary suicide.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 78 (8), 1749-1772. 10.1007/s11538-016-0198-5.
Colon, C. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
Systemic risks and cascading disruptions in complex supply chains.
In: EEP Symposium, July 2016.
Lindh, M., Johansson, J., Bolmgren, K., Lundstrom, N., Brännström, Å. & Jonzen, N. (2016). Constrained growth flips the direction of optimal phenological responses among annual plants. New Phytologist 209 (4), 1591-1599. 10.1111/nph.13706.
Gephart, J.A., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Dieckmann, U.
ORCID:, Pace, M.L. & Brännström, Å.
Vulnerability to shocks in the global seafood trade network.
Environmental Research Letters 11, e035008. 10.1088/1748-9326/11/3/035008.
Falster, D.S., FitzJohn, R.G., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Westoby, M. & McMahon, S.
plant: A package for modelling forest trait ecology and evolution.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (2), 136-146. 10.1111/2041-210X.12525.
Sjödin, H., Brännström, Å., Mazzucco, R. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
The Formation of Structured Cooperative Communities.
In: Systems Analysis 2015 - A Conference in Celebration of Howard Raiffa, 11 - 13 November, 2015, Laxenburg, Austria.
Nonaka, E., Svanbaeck, R., Thibert-Plante, X., Englund, G. & Brännström, Å. (2015). Mechanisms by which phenotypic plasticity affects adaptive divergence and ecological speciation. The American Naturalist 186 (5), E126-E143. 10.1086/683231.
Zhang, L., Andersen, K.H., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
Four types of interference competition and their impacts on the ecology and evolution of size-structured populations and communities.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 380, 280-290. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.05.023.
Sjödin, H., Brännström, Å. & Englund, G. (2015). Space race functional responses. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1801), p. 20142121. 10.1098/rspb.2014.2121.
Chen, X., Sasaki, T. ORCID:, Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U.
First carrot, then stick: how the adaptive hybridization of incentives promotes cooperation.
Interface 12 (102), p. 20140935. 10.1098/rsif.2014.0935.
Nonaka, E., Brännström, Å. & Svanback, R. (2014). Assortative mating can limit the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. Evolutionary Ecology 28 (6), 1057-1074. 10.1007/s10682-014-9728-5.
Lindh, M., Zhang, L., Falster, D., Franklin, O. ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
Plant diversity and drought: The role of deep roots.
Ecological Modelling 290, 85-93. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.05.008.
Sjödin, H., Brännström, Å., Söderquist, M. & Englund, G. (2014). Population-level consequences of heterospecific density-dependent movements in predator-prey systems. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 93-106. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.09.019.
Takahashi, D., Brännström, Å., Mazzucco, R., Yamauchi, A. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Abrupt community transitions and cyclic evolutionary dynamics in complex food webs.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 337 (21), 181-189. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.08.003.
Ohlberger, J., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Adaptive phenotypic diversification along a temperature-depth gradient.
The American Naturalist 182 (3), 359-373. 10.1086/671169.
Brännström, Å., Johansson, J. & von Festenberg, N. (2013). The hitchhiker's guide to adaptive dynamics. Games 4 (3), 304-328. 10.3390/g4030304.
van Leeuwen, E., Brännström, Å., Jansen, V.A.A., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Rossberg, A.G.
A generalized functional response for predators that switch between multiple prey species.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 89-98. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.02.003.
Meng, X., Lundstroem, N.L.P., Bodin, M. & Brännström, Å. (2013). Dynamics and management of stage-structured fish stocks. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 75 (1), 1-23. 10.1007/s11538-012-9789-y.
Nonaka, E., Parvinen, K. ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
Evolutionary suicide as a consequence of runaway selection for greater aggregation tendency.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 96-104. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.09.033.
Takahashi, D., Brännström, Å., Mazzucco, R., Yamauchi, A. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Abrupt community transitions and cyclic evolutionary dynamics in complex food webs.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-070
Ohlberger, J., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Adaptive phenotypic diversification along a temperature-depth gradient.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-055
Chen, X., Sasaki, T. ORCID:, Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U.
First carrot, then stick: how the adaptive hybridization of incentives promotes cooperation.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-026
Seehausen, O., Butlin, R.K., Keller, I., Wagner, C.E., Boughman, J.W., Hohenlohe, P.A., Peichel, C.A., Saetre, G.-P., Bank, C. & Brännström, Å. (2013). Genomics and the origin of species. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-066
Brännström, Å., Carlsson, L. & Simpson, D. (2013). On the convergence of the Escalator Boxcar Train. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (6), 3213-3231. 10.1137/120893215.
Brännström, Å., Carlsson, L. & Simpson, D. (2013). On the convergence of the Escalator Boxcar Train. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-023
Sjödin, H., Brännström, Å., Soderquist, M. & Englund, G. (2013). Population-level consequences of heterospecific density-dependent movements in predator-prey systems. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-069
van Leeuwen, E., Brännström, Å., Jansen, V.A.A., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Rossberg, A.G.
A generalized functional response for predators that switch between multiple prey species.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-072
Brännström, Å., Johansson, J. & von Festenberg, N. (2013). The hitchhiker's guide to adaptive dynamics. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-13-024
Bodin, M., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
A systematic overview of harvesting-induced maturation evolution in predator-prey systems with three different life-history tradeoffs.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74 (12), 2842-2860. 10.1007/s11538-012-9783-4.
Cornforth, D.M., Sumpter, D.J.T., Brown, S.P. & Brännström, Å. (2012). Synergy and group size in microbial cooperation. The American Naturalist 180 (3), 296-305. 10.1086/667193.
Fath, B.D. ORCID:, Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID:, Veshchinskaya, V., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
Ecological flow analysis of network collapse I: New methodology to investigate network collapse dynamics.
In: iEMSs 2012: Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, 1-5 July 2012.
Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Veshchinskaya, V., Fath, B.D.
ORCID:, Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Brännström, Å.
Ecological flow analysis of network collapse II: Indicators of ecosystem level vulnerability.
In: iEMSs 2012: Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, 1-5 July 2012.
Franklin, O. ORCID:, Johansson, J., Dewar, R.C., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID:, McMurtrie, R.E., Brännström, Å. & Dybzinski, R.
Modeling carbon allocation in trees: A search for principles.
Tree Physiology 32 (6), 648-666. 10.1093/treephys/tpr138.
Sasaki, T. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Sigmund, K.
The take-it-or-leave-it option allows small penalties to overcome social dilemmas.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (4), 1165-1169. 10.1073/pnas.1115219109.
Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Franklin, O.
ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
Balancing Ecology and Economy in Forestry: A Theoretical Investigation.
In: Worlds Within Reach: From Science To Policy - IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, 24-26 October 2012, Hofburg Congress Center, Vienna and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Meng, X., Lundstroem, N.L.P., Bodin, M. & Brännström, Å. (2012). Dynamics and management of stage-structured fish stocks. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-12-056
Veshchinskaya, V., Brännström, Å., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
Ecosystem Vulnerability to Species Loss.
In: Worlds Within Reach: From Science To Policy - IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, 24-26 October 2012, Hofburg Congress Center, Vienna and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Sasaki, T. ORCID:, Chen, X., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U.
How ‘first carrot, then stick’ incentives promote cooperation.
In: Worlds Within Reach: From Science To Policy - IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, 24-26 October 2012, Hofburg Congress Center, Vienna and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Franklin, O.
ORCID: & Dieckmann, U.
Improving ecological sustainability in forestry: a theoretical investigation.
In: Worlds Within Reach: From Science To Policy - IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, 24-26 October 2012, Hofburg Congress Center, Vienna and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Brännström, Å., Johansson, J., Loeuille, N., Kristensen, N., Troost, T., HilleRisLambers, R. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Modeling the ecology and evolution of communities: A review of past achievements, current efforts, and future promises.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-12-025
Brännström, Å., Johansson, J., Loeuille, N., Kristensen, N., Troost, T.A., Lambers, R.H.R. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Modelling the ecology and evolution of communities: A review of past achievements, current efforts, and future promises.
Evolutionary Ecology Research 14 (5), 601-625.
Brännström, Å., Carlsson, L., Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Loeuille, N., Loreau, M. & Rossberg, A.
Structure and management of size-structured food webs.
In: Worlds Within Reach: From Science To Policy - IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, 24-26 October 2012, Hofburg Congress Center, Vienna and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Cornforth, D.M., Sumpter, D., Brown, S. & Brännström, Å. (2012). Synergy and group size in microbial cooperation. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-12-032
Bodin, M., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
A systematic overview of harvesting-induced maturation evolution in predator-prey systems with three different life-history tradeoffs.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-12-022
Sasaki, T. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U.
ORCID: & Sigmund, K.
The take-it-or-leave-it option allows small penalties to overcome socila dilemmas.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-12-068
Brännström, Å., Loeuille, N., Loreau, M. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Emergence and maintenance of biodiversity in an evolutionary food-web model.
Theoretical Ecology 4 (4), 467-478. 10.1007/s12080-010-0089-6.
Brännström, Å., Carlsson, L. & Rossberg, A.G. (2011). Rigorous conditions for food-web intervality in high-dimensional trophic niche spaces. Journal of Mathematical Biology 63 (3), 575-592. 10.1007/s00285-010-0383-3.
Brännström, Å., Gross, T., Blasius, B. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Consequences of fluctuating group size for the evolution of cooperation.
Journal of Mathematical Biology 63 (2), 263-281. 10.1007/s00285-010-0367-3.
Takahashi, D., Brännström, Å., Mazzucco, R., Yamauchi, A. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Cyclic transitions in simulated food-web evolution.
Journal of Plant Interactions 6 (2), 181-182. 10.1080/17429145.2011.552794.
Poos, J.J., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Harvest-induced maturation evolution under different life-history trade-offs and harvesting regimes.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 279 (1), 102-112. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.03.001.
Falster, D.S., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Westoby, M.
Influence of four major plant traits on average height, leaf-area cover, net primary productivity, and biomass density in single-species forests: A theoretical investigation.
Journal of Ecology 99 (1), 148-164. 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01735.x.
Rossberg, A.G., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Food-web structure in low- and high-dimensional trophic niche spaces.
Interface 7 (53), 1735-1743. 10.1098/rsif.2010.0111.
Brännström, Å., Gross, T., Blasius, B. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Consequences of fluctuating group size for the evolution of cooperation.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-10-025
Brännström, Å., Loeuille, N., Loreau, M. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Emergence and maintenance of biodiversity in an evolutionary food-web model.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-10-026
Rossberg, A.G., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Food-web structure in low- and high-dimensional trophic niche spaces.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-10-049
Rossberg, A.G., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
How trophic interaction strength depends on traits: A conceptual framework for representing multidimensional trophic niche spaces.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-10-048
Brännström, Å., Carlsson, L. & Rossberg, A.G. (2010). Rigorous conditions for food-web intervality in high-dimensional trophic niche spaces. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-10-024
Falster, D.S., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U. ORCID: & Westoby, M.
Influence of four major plant traits on average height, leaf-area cover, net primary productivity, an biomass density in single-species forests: A theoretical investigation.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-10-036
Viren, S., Frederick, D.A., Aavik, T., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Anderson, D., Andrianto, S., Arvind, A., Brännström, Å., Cunningham, J., Danel, D., Doroszewicz, K., Forbes, G.B., Furnham, A., Greven, C.U., Halberstadt, J., Hao, S., Haubner, T., Hwang, C.S., Inman, M. et al. (2010). The Attractive Female Body Weight and Female Body Dissatisfaction in 26 Countries Across 10 World Regions: Results of the International Body Project I. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (3), 309-325. 10.1177/0146167209359702.
Rossberg, A.G., Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
How trophic interaction strength depends on traits: A conceptual framework for representing multidimensional trophic niche spaces.
Theoretical Ecology 3 (1), 13-24. 10.1007/s12080-009-0049-1.
Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., HilleRisLambers, R. & Ito, H.C.
The adaptive dynamics of community structure.
Mathematics for Ecology and Environmental Sciences.
Eds. Takeuchi, Y., Iwasa, Y. & Sato, K.,
Berlin: Springer.
Brännström, Å. & Sumpter, D.J.T. (2006). Stochastic Analogues of Deterministic Single-species Population Models. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-06-062
Dieckmann, U. ORCID:, Brännström, Å., HilleRisLambers, R. & Ito, H.C.
The Adaptive Dynamics of Community Structure.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-06-038
Brännström, Å. & Sumpter, D.J.T. (2006). Stochastic analogues of deterministic single-species population models. Theoretical Population Biology 69 (4), 442-451. 10.1016/j.tpb.2006.01.006.
Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Evolutionary Dynamics of Altruism and Cheating Among Social Amoebas.
IIASA Interim Report.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-05-039
Brännström, Å. & Dieckmann, U. ORCID:
Evolutionary dynamics of altruism and cheating among social amoebas.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1572), 1609-1616. 10.1098/rspb.2005.3116.