Browse by Project Publications

Number of items: 27.

Harmsen, M., Kriegler, E., van Vuuren, D.P., van der Wijst, K.-I., Luderer, G., Cui, R., Dessens, O., Drouet, L., Emmerling, J., Morris, J.F., Fosse, F., Fragkiadakis, D., Fragkiadakis, K., Fragkos, P., Fricko, O. ORCID:, Fujimori, S., Gernaat, D., Guivarch, C., Iyer, G., Karkatsoulis, P., et al. (2021). Integrated assessment model diagnostics: key indicators and model evolution. Environmental Research Letters 16 (5) E054046. 10.1088/1748-9326/abf964.

Wilson, C. ORCID:, Guivarch, C., Kriegler, E., van Ruijven, B. ORCID:, van Vuuren, D.P., Krey, V. ORCID:, Schwanitz, V.J., & Thompson, E.L. (2021). Evaluating process-based integrated assessment models of climate change mitigation. Climatic Change 166 (1-2) e3. 10.1007/s10584-021-03099-9.

Luderer, G., Pehl, M., Arvesen, A., Gibon, T., Bodirsky, B.L., de Boer, H.S., Fricko, O. ORCID:, Hejazi, M., Humpenöder, F., Iyer, G., Mima, S., Mouratiadou, I., Pietzcker, R.C., Popp, A., van den Berg, M., van Vuuren, D., & Hertwich, E.G. (2019). Environmental co-benefits and adverse side-effects of alternative power sector decarbonization strategies. Nature Communications 10 (1) 10.1038/s41467-019-13067-8.

Kermeli, K., Edelenbosch, O.Y., Crijns-Graus, W., van Ruijven, B. ORCID:, Mima, S., van Vuuren, D.P., & Worrell, E. (2019). The scope for better industry representation in long-term energy models: Modeling the cement industry. Applied Energy 240 964-985. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.252.

Krey, V. ORCID:, Guo, F. ORCID:, Kolp, P., Zhou, W., Schaeffer, R., Awasthy, A., Bertram, C., de Boer, H.-S., Fragkos, P., Fujimori, S., He, C., Iyer, G., Keramidas, K., Köberle, A.C., Oshiro, K., Reis, L.A., Shoai-Tehrani, B., Vishwanathan, S., Capros, P., Drouet, L., et al. (2019). Looking under the hood: A comparison of techno-economic assumptions across national and global integrated assessment models. Energy 172 1254-1267. 10.1016/

Edelenbosch, O., McCollum, D., Pettifor, H., Wilson, C. ORCID:, & van Vuuren, D. (2018). Interactions between social learning and technological learning in electric vehicle futures. Environmental Research Letters 13 (12) e124004. 10.1088/1748-9326/aae948.

McCollum, D., Wilson, C. ORCID:, Bevione, M., Carrara, S., Edelenbosch, O., Emmerling, J., Guivarch, C., Karkatsoulis, P., Keppo, I., Krey, V. ORCID:, Lin, Z., Ó'Broin, E., Paroussos, L., Pettifor, H., Ramea, K., Riahi, K. ORCID:, Sano, F., Rodriguez, B.S., & van Vuuren, D.P. (2018). Interaction of consumer preferences and climate policies in the global transition to low-carbon vehicles. Nature Energy 3 (8) 664-673. 10.1038/s41560-018-0195-z.

Luderer, G., Vrontisi, Z., Bertram, C., Edelenbosch, O., Pietzcker, R.C., Rogelj, J. ORCID:, De Boer, H.S., Drouet, L., Emmerling, J., Fricko, O. ORCID:, Fujimori, S. ORCID:, Havlik, P. ORCID:, Iyer, G., Keramidas, K., Kitous, A., Pehl, M., Krey, V. ORCID:, Riahi, K. ORCID:, Saveyn, B., Tavoni, M., et al. (2018). Residual fossil CO2 emissions in 1.5–2°C pathways. Nature Climate Change 8 (7) 626-633. 10.1038/s41558-018-0198-6.

Vrontisi, Z., Luderer, G., Saveyn, B., Keramidas, K., Lara, A.R., Baumstark, L., Bertram, C., de Boer, H.S., Drouet, L., Fragkiadakis, K., Fricko, O. ORCID:, Fujimori, S., Guivarch, C., Kitous, A., Krey, V. ORCID:, Kriegler, E., Broin, E.Ó, Paroussos, L., & van Vuuren, D. (2018). Enhancing global climate policy ambition towards a 1.5 °C stabilization: a short-term multi-model assessment. Environmental Research Letters 13 (4) e044039. 10.1088/1748-9326/aab53e.

McPherson, M., Johnson, N., & Strubegger, M. (2018). The role of electricity storage and hydrogen technologies in enabling global low-carbon energy transitions. Applied Energy 216 649-661. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.02.110.

Levesque, A., Pietzcker, R.C., Baumstark, L., De Stercke, S., Grubler, A. ORCID:, & Luderer, G. (2018). How much energy will buildings consume in 2100? A global perspective within a scenario framework. Energy 148 514-527. 10.1016/

Rogelj, J. ORCID:, Popp, A., Calvin, K.V., Luderer, G., Emmerling, J., Gernaat, D., Fujimori, S. ORCID:, Strefler, J., Hasegawa, T., Marangoni, G., Krey, V. ORCID:, Kriegler, E., Riahi, K. ORCID:, van Vuuren, D.P., Doelman, J., Drouet, L., Edmonds, J., Fricko, O. ORCID:, Harmsen, M., Havlik, P. ORCID:, et al. (2018). Scenarios towards limiting global mean temperature increase below 1.5 °C. Nature Climate Change 8 (4) 325-332. 10.1038/s41558-018-0091-3.

Jewell, J. ORCID:, McCollum, D., Emmerling, J., Bertram, C., Gernaat, D.E.H.J., Krey, V. ORCID:, Paroussos, L., Berger, L., Fragkiadakis, K., Keppo, I., Failali, N.S., Tavoni, M., van Vuuren, D., Vinichenko, V., & Riahi, K. ORCID: (2018). Limited emission reductions from fuel subsidy removal except in energy exporting regions. Nature 554 (7691) 229-233. 10.1038/nature25467.

Yeh, S., Mishra, G.S., Fulton, L., Kyle, P., McCollum, D.L., Miller, J., Cazzola, P., & Teter, J. (2017). Detailed assessment of global transport-energy models’ structures and projections. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 55 294-309. 10.1016/j.trd.2016.11.001.

Edelenbosch, O.Y., van Vuuren, D.P., Bertram, C., Carrara, S., Emmerling, J., Daly, H., Kitous, A., McCollum, D., & Saadi Failali, N. (2017). Transport fuel demand responses to fuel price and income projections: Comparison of integrated assessment models. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 55 310-321. 10.1016/j.trd.2017.03.005.

Edelenbosch, O., McCollum, D., van Vuuren, D.P., Bertram, C., Carrara, S., Daly, H., Fujimori, S., Kitous, A., Ó Broin, E., Karkatsoulis, P., & Sano, F. (2017). Decomposing passenger transport futures: Comparing results of global integrated assessment models. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 55 281-293. 10.1016/j.trd.2016.07.003.

Yeh, S., Mishra, G.S., Fulton, L., Kyle, P., McCollum, D.L., Miller, J., Cazzola, P., & Teter, J. (2017). Detailed assessment of global transport-energy models’ structures and projections. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 55 294-307. 10.1016/j.trd.2016.11.001.

Rao, S., Klimont, Z. ORCID:, Smith, S.J., Van Dingenen, R., Dentener, F., Bouwman, L., Riahi, K. ORCID:, Amann, M. ORCID:, Bodirsky, B.L., van Vuuren, D.P., Aleluia Reis, l., Calvin, K., Drouet, L., Fricko, O. ORCID:, Fujimori, S. ORCID:, Gernaat, D., Havlik, P. ORCID:, Harmsen, M., Hasegawa, T., Heyes, C. ORCID:, et al. (2017). Future air pollution in the Shared Socio-economic Pathways. Global Environmental Change 42 346-358. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.05.012.

van Vuuren, D.P., Edelenbosch, O.Y., McCollum, D., & Riahi, K. ORCID: (2017). A special issue on model-based long-term transport scenarios: Model comparison and new methodological developments to improve energy and climate policy analysis. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 55 277-280. 10.1016/j.trd.2017.05.003.

Luderer, G., Pietzcker, R.C., Carrara, S., de Boer, H.-S., Fujimori, S., Johnson, N., Mima, S., & Arent, D. (2017). Assessment of wind and solar power in global low-carbon energy scenarios: An introduction. Energy Economics 64 542-551. 10.1016/j.eneco.2017.03.027.

Pietzcker, R.C., Ueckerdt, F., Carrara, S., Sytze de Boer, H., Després, J., Fujimori, S., Johnson, N., Kitous, A., Scholz, Y., Sullivan, P., & Luderer, G. (2017). System integration of wind and solar power in Integrated Assessment Models: A cross-model evaluation of new approaches. Energy Economics 24 583-599. 10.1016/j.eneco.2016.11.018.

Johnson, N., Strubegger, M., McPherson, M., Parkinson, S. ORCID:, Krey, V. ORCID:, & Sullivan, P. (2017). A reduced-form approach for representing the impacts of wind and solar PV deployment on the structure and operation of the electricity system. Energy Economics 64 651-554. 10.1016/j.eneco.2016.07.010.

Riahi, K. ORCID:, van Vuuren, D.P., Kriegler, E., Edmonds, J., O'Neill, B., Fujimori, S., Bauer, N., Calvin, K., Dellink, R., Fricko, O. ORCID:, Lutz, W. ORCID:, Popp, A., Crespo Cuaresma, J., K.C., S., Leimback, M., Jiang, L., Kram, T., Rao, S., Emmerling, J., Ebi, K., et al. (2017). The shared socioeconomic pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview. Global Environmental Change 42 153-168. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.05.009.

Cameron, C., Pachauri, S. ORCID:, Rao, N. ORCID:, McCollum, D., Rogelj, J. ORCID:, & Riahi, K. ORCID: (2016). Policy trade-offs between climate mitigation and clean cook-stove access in South Asia. Nature Energy 1 e15010. 10.1038/nenergy.2015.10.

Fricko, O. ORCID:, Parkinson, S. ORCID:, Johnson, N., Strubegger, M., van Vliet, M.T.H., & Riahi, K. ORCID: (2016). Energy sector water use implications of a 2°C climate policy. Environmental Research Letters 11 (3) e034011. 10.1088/1748-9326/11/3/034011.

Surminski, S., Bouwer, L.M., & Linnerooth-Bayer, J. (2016). How insurance can support climate resilience. Nature Climate Change 6 (4) 333-334. 10.1038/nclimate2979.

McCollum, D.L., Jewell, J. ORCID:, Krey, V. ORCID:, Bazilian, M., Fay, M., & Riahi, K. ORCID: (2016). Quantifying uncertainties influencing the long-term impacts of oil prices on energy markets and carbon emissions. Nature Energy 1 (7) e16077. 10.1038/nenergy.2016.77.

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